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Important Gun Groups

Every Gun Lover Should Join

By M.L. LewisPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

America loves its guns! Firearms and the USA go hand in hand. 32% of the US population owns at least one firearm, while 10% live in a home with one they don’t own. This causes 6 million firearms to be purchased each year. About three-quarters of gun owners (or 72%) have gotten one for personal protection. People who own a gun, or know of one in the house, tend to have more positive feelings towards them being there. They feel more secure and relaxed. Recently, the country has become divided on whether the Second Amendment should be stricter. These are the groups fighting to prevent these strict laws from happening so that everyone can enjoy the Second Amendment.

Gun Owners of America

Gun Owners of America, or GOA, is a non-profit organization founded in 1976 by the late Senator H.L. (Bill) Richardson. Currently, they have over two million members and counting, making it more popular than the notorious NRA in recent years. They see gun ownership as a freedom issue and have dedicated themselves to preserving and defending the Second Amendment. The GOA is a “No-Compromise” gun lobby group that has never wavered from its mission to protect gun rights. Over the last 30 years, they’ve built a network of lawyers to help gun owners sue and recover damages from unlawful firearm seizures and protect local gun ranges from government harassment.

The Second Amendment Foundation

For over 50 years, the Second Amendment Foundation, or SAF, has been fighting to defend, restore, and expand the Second Amendment for all US citizens. They are the most effective gun rights groups in the US today. It was created by Alan Gottlieb in 1974, who built the foundation to bring issues about the Second Amendment to the Supreme Court. The SAF is responsible for the publication of numerous educational materials such as books (23 of which were written by Gottlieb himself), newsletters, and journals to expand everyone’s understanding of the meaning behind the Second Amendment. They continue to lead the field in protecting our right to bear arms through such published works.

The National Association for Gun Rights

The National Association for Gun Rights, or NAGR, is a grassroots organization that also focuses on defending Americans’ Second Amendment. Made up of 4.5 million people, in 20 different states, they are leading the charge to halt the anti-gun agenda sweeping across the country. They work to advance firearm freedom through Constitutional Carry legislation. The NAGR strongly believes this is what the founders of America would have wanted. The founders intended for all US citizens to have the protected right to bear arms. They are proud sponsors of the Civilian Marksmanship Program. The program provides firearm training and safety to Americans of all ages.

Firearms Policy Coalition

The Firearms Policy Coalition, or FPC, is a non-profit organization founded on the beliefs of natural rights with a clear mission to fight for people, liberty, and freedom. They are known for creating the FPC Law Firm, the nation’s first and largest legal team that focuses on your Second Amendment rights. They are also leading the nation in Second Amendment litigation, education, activism, and research. Their current mission is to restore the constitutional right to keep and bear arms through the elimination of bans on acquiring, possessing, and usage of firearms and parts necessary to an essential scope and capability on or before December 31, 2032.

Evolve USA

This is a nonpolitical gun rights group. This means they refuse to take a side in the debate on gun control. Instead, Evolve USA focuses primarily on preventing avoidable gun-related accidents and deaths. Every year, 16,000 people are injured or killed because of poor gun safety. They believe that one preventable gun-related death is too many. Their aim is to unite all Americans on personal responsibility through gun safety education. They work with first-time gun buyers on the proper handling and storage of a firearm. Evolve USA also publishes a wide range of materials to spread their message through their motto; “Clear It. Check It. Lock it.”


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M.L. Lewis

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