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Donald Trump followers could end up in limbo with nowhere to vent their anger

Number 45 leaving a note for number 46 could be very telling.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

News reports indicate that although he never conceded the election and continued to say it was stolen from him, Donald Trump did something quite out of character. He left the traditional letter to his predecessor, Joe Biden. No one knows what was in the note or what is now on the agenda of the former POTUS. This could, however, become a big red flag for the MEGA maniacs and Trumpeteers. After 4 years of hateful rhetoric and inciting the mob to attack the White House, the Donald might be on to bigger and better things. Consider if you will that he is a businessman who is concerned with the "Art of the Deal" and who loves winning. By leaving Joe Biden a note, it could indicate that the former President has had a brief moment of clarity.

Donald Trump might have realized, or been told that he should do something to acknowledge that he lost reelection and decided on the traditional note since he was skipping the Inauguration. He was shown on the news in 2016, saying how much he appreciates the letter that President Barack Obama left him. This is one of the only times Trump had anything good to say about his predecessor. This plays into the narrative that in the moment, he loves the one who he perceives as expressing love to him. Letters are personal and it's rare to see number 45 express any personal sentiment.

Some might wonder if the note was written and left for Biden by one of Trump's few remaining staff members and not number 45 himself? What is interesting is that former First Lady Melania Trump did not leave any parting words for her successor Jill Biden and neither did she invite Dr. Jill to the traditional tea as Laura Bush did for Michelle Obama and Mrs. Obama did for Melania. First Daughter Ashley Biden says this is unfortunate but they are OK with it. One would think that if the Donald decided to write a note to President Joe Biden, that he might have suggested that his wife do the same for her successor but obviously not.

Donald Trump was not a career politician and his wife obviously had no experience in social graces. Both said they did not need any advice from the Obama's so they just did things their own way. Now that number 45 has left that letter for number 46 his most ardent supporters should carefully consider the consequences. This might have been the Donald's way of saying that he is done with politics even though he said he would be back. The now former POTUS might obtain an attitude of "out of sight, out of mind". Once he is settled back into Maralago he could set his sights on a different challenge and leave all things related to the White House behind.

I'm certain that many of those who took part in the mob attack on January 6 as well as their sympathizers were elated that Trump skipped out on the Inauguration, This gave fuel to their fire and signaled them to continue to be angry and see other Americans as the enemy. The letter left behind for President Biden sends a signal of humanity and implies that on some level Donald Trump is able to play nice. Even so, there are all of these radical right-wing thinkers who have been on edge and looking for a fight. What will they do with all of that hostility of their leader simply fades into the woodwork or looks for the art of a new deal?

Increasing numbers of those who stormed the White House are now incarcerated or facing charges and for now at least Donald Trump has returned to his billion-dollar resort. If he does move in a different direction and leave the angry mobsters high and dry it would serve them right. They believed the lie that the election was stolen and caused 5 innocent people to lose their lives. They have brought shame to this nation and caused people of color to become more apprehensive because of the Confederate flag that was inside the White House. If Donald Trump used these individuals and then kicked them to the curb it is no one's fault but their own.

Trump followers might realize they were being played for suckers.

Time will tell if Trump truly is considering another run in 2024 or whether it was yet another smokescreen to appease his base but things are already changing. In spite of all the law enforcement and the apprehension and threats of violence, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were elected to the offices of President and Vice President of the United States. For the first time in 4 years, Americans did not wake up to derogatory and negative tweets. The nation as a whole is breathing a sigh of relief and some of those who re angry may be lost without their leader.

The election was not stolen and Donald Trump knows that. He was playing his final hand in a last ditch effort to remain in office. Now, just like the many times he filled bankruptcy he has cut his losses and is starting over. He utilzed divsion win in 2016 and thanks to the Electoral College and not the popular vote he did. Now he has left the White House beind and may never think of it again. If that happens his followers will become bewlidered and like sheep wandering without a shephered.While you were manipulated to be geared up to fight and even take lives, Donald J Trump was writing a note and making his exit stage right.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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    Cheryl E PrestonWritten by Cheryl E Preston

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