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Dear George Washington

Sincerely, a disgusted American citizen

By AlexaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Dear George Washington
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Dear George Washington,

You'd be disgusted if you were to see what has happened to this country since you left office. You put the United States on a straight and narrow road and we broke that pavement. It seems like we jumped off that road straight into the river.

I don't know every thing you've done for this country, just like any other politician, but you gave us our freedom. You fought tooth and nail for your people.

I hope I'm able to sit down with you in the afterlife and ask you about the world in your time. Things seemed so much easier, except when people couldn't leave well enough alone.That might be the only thing our times have in common. People can't be happy with the things they have.

You were the very first documented president, yet, you are the only one whom we know very little about. Any public school kid can tell you the date, time, place about Abraham's assassination. They teach us details that are unnecessary and don't teach us about politics at all.

Most Americans vote for a president based on their reputation and their unfulfilled promises.The things these presidents say they're going to do are absolutely impossible, but they'll promise it until they're blue in the face.

I had to resort to for some more information about your presidency. Imagine the shock on my face when there was only 2 details on that page that I knew before reading it.

"In 1787, he was elected president of the convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution. Two years later, Washington became America’s first president. Realizing that the way he handled the job would impact how future presidents approached the position, he handed down a legacy of strength, integrity and national purpose."

That excerpt brought a tear to my eye. You knew exactly what you were going to do for this country and you didn't hesistate. You started fighting for America in war and ended fighting for every single American in history. You are the most honorable man to ever have walked this Earth. There were definitely other presidents that made historical movements, but you paved the way for them to even be able to have that opportunity.

Most people don't even know that you started the movement to end slavery.They gave credit to some other buffoon. Martin Luther King Jr. came along hundreds of years after you, but he didn't give you any credit. You had slaves and you saw the error in your ways.

Many people don't know that you ordered all slaves to be freed in your time of passing on your plantation.The movement you tried to start, ended with your passing.

Lincoln came into office and owned slaves without any acknowledgement to your rulings. He's known for being the "honest" president, but you and I both know that couldn't be farther from the truth. Everyone involved in politics has lying running through their veins. He didn't deserve to be handed the presidential title you created.

Anyway, the point of this letter is to thank you. You put this country in its place and gave us our freedom. Everybody is an taking advantage of it and that's ruining us mentally and phsyically as a whole.

Save me a seat up there! I'm ready to catch up and compare notes.We owe you our lives and our freedom.

Thank you, Mr. Washington.


A disgusted American citizen


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