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2023 UAP & UFO Congressional Oversight Hearing - What You Need to Know

GOP Oversight Subcommittee Hearing held on 26 July 2023. Witnesses: David Grusch, Ryan Graves, Retired Commander David Fravor

By ARCPublished 9 months ago β€’ Updated 9 months ago β€’ 12 min read
2023 UAP & UFO Congressional Oversight Hearing - What You Need to Know
Photo by Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash

Unpacking the recent Congressional hearing concerning Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP / formerly UFOs) is challenging. Our media has made a habit out of telling us what to think for the past twenty or so years, thus many of us are out-of-practice at listening and critical thinking when we are presented with so much raw information.

That said, the purpose of this article is to provide two things simultaneously:

  1. The facts - reduced to their most simple form.
  2. Connecting a few dots - derived directly from those facts.

The Facts & Connecting The Facts

1. The unedited hearing can be viewed in its entirety on the GOP Oversight YouTube channel at the following link:

2. The three witnesses were:

  • David Grusch, Former Senior National Reconnaissance Officer, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Task Force, Department of Defense
  • Ryan Graves, Executive Director, Americans for Safe Aerospace; Former F-18 Pilot, U.S. Navy
  • Retired Commander David Fravor, Former Commanding Officer, Black Aces Squadron, U.S. Navy

3. Contextual details of the witnesses:

David Grusch is the only witness with Top Secret clearance. He is a former senior government (DOD) officer who is now the lead whistleblower in an active case regarding the decades-long (since the 1930's), systematic, illegal cover-up of UAP/UFO information and technology by select members of our government and select government contractors (private corporations). Mr. Grusch states that he has not had any first-hand UAP experience, however his whistleblower case involves many colleagues -- also with Top Secret clearance -- who do have first-hand experience. In short: Mr. Grusch represents the idea of Appropriate Government Transparency in the UAP/UFO discussion. ('Appropriate' meaning: sensitive to National Security.)

Ryan Graves is a former F-18 Naval Aviator and is currently the Executive Director for Americans for Safe Aerospace (ASA). The 'angle' he represents in this conversation is both civilian and commercial. One of the main benefits Mr. Graves brings to the table is that his organization has turned into one of the only current places where commercial pilots (the ones who fly you home for the holidays) can report UAP incidents. Mr. Graves has first-hand UAP experience, along with a large array of second-hand accounts from fellow aviators who have reported UAP sightings to ASA. In short: Mr. Graves represents the idea of Public Safety and the need for a Centralized Reporting Database where civilians and commercial pilots can report UAP experiences without fear of reprisal or marginalization. Additionally, this Centralized Database would provide processes and best-practices on what to do when a commercial pilot has an encounter with a UAP/UFO. An occurrence which happens frequently, according to witness testimony.

Commander Fravor is the commanding officer who was flying one of the F-18s involved in the famous 'Tic Tac' video. He is retired from the Navy. The primary 'angle' he represents is to help paint a picture of our current military technology in comparison to the UAP technology which he experienced first-hand on the day of the Tic Tac Event in 2004. In short: Cmdr. Fravor represents the idea of National Security.

4. UAP/UFOs are no longer a "Are they real? Yes or No?" question. UAP/UFOs are no longer a matter of belief or opinion. UAP/UFOs are empirical fact. They are part of life.

During the hearing, one of the things Ryan Graves expressed -- from accounts his ASA organization has received -- was the abundance of UAP/UFO sightings and experiences which happen to our commercial pilots during commercial flights. The ASA organization has received over 170 credible* accounts of UAP/UFO sightings, and Mr. Graves stated that he believes this number represents approximately 5% of the actual number of UAP/UFO sightings that occur. Mr. Graves stated that the vast majority (95%) of commercial pilots do not come forward after a UAP/UFO sighting for fear of corporate retaliation from the commercial airline by which they are employed.

*credible = instrument readings (such as radar) also recorded the encounter.

During the hearing, David Grusch used very specific language when referring to the 'pilots' of UAP vehicles. He consistently called them "non-human", rather than "extra-terrestrial". When asked why he did so, Mr. Grusch stated that he prefers to "keep the aperture open". He later expanded on this, explaining that what he means (paraphrasing) is that the term "non-human" is more broad, inclusive, and scientific than the more narrow term "extra-terrestrial" which, by its own definition, limits some possibilities of just 'who' these non-human entities may be.

5. The U.S. Government has been lying to the American People, yourself included, about UAP/UFOs for almost 100 years. Take a moment to accept this, as it is understandable if the extent of this lie/cover-up may be difficult to digest. Anger is normal. Denial is also normal. Allow these defensive reactions against change to pass before continuing reading, so you may do so with an open and clear mind.

Mr. Grusch testifies that he and his colleagues have empirical documented proof that select members of the Federal Government and select military contractors (private corporations) have been actively suppressing information and gaslighting the American People on the topic of UAP/UFOs since as far back as the 1930's.

The proof of this knowledge is in the documentation of reverse-engineered UAP technology dating back to that time.

In other words:

6. An unacknowledged, unsanctioned branch of the U.S. Government + military contractors (private corporations) have been actively researching and reverse-engineering downed UAP/UFO craft for almost a century.

Again, take a moment to allow the implications of this fact to process.

Reminder that all of this is based on both witness/whistleblower testimony and documented empirical evidence. This is fact.

Commander Fravor (the pilot involved in the Tic Tac event) mentioned several times during the hearing how superior the UAP/Tic Tac was to his multi-million-dollar F/A-18F fighter jet (more commonly known as the F-18 Super Hornet).

The capabilities of the Tic Tac were, according to Cmdr. Fravor, "far beyond our material science that we currently possess". In other words: our current understanding of science is too limited to understand how the Tic Tac maneuvered the way it did.

The physics of the Tic Tac make as much sense to us as a smartphone would make to an Ancient Roman. It looks like magic or 'defying the laws of physics'.

Before proceeding further, it needs to be expressed that if you read past this point, it is of the utmost importance that you read the entirety of the article.

There are two additional primary facts that are key to this conversation, and both are pivotal to understand. Due to the nature of words and communication, first one fact must be presented, and then the second.

The second fact requires the context of the first. The first fact's meaning is heavily influenced by the second. This dynamic relationship between these two facts is why it is stressed that, if you proceed beyond this point, it is important you read this article through to completion.

The First Fact

When asked whether they believed UAP/UFOs were a potential threat to our National Security, all three witnesses answered some variation of: "Yes, potentially."

The technology displayed by UAP/UFOs is, according to these witnesses, decades beyond our current technology, if not more.

Cmdr. Fravor described the Tic Tac as traveling 60 miles away in less than a minute, as well as dropping down from 80,000 feet (outer space) to 20,000 feet in a matter of seconds, then returning to space, all with no wings, visible propulsion system, or thermal/infrared exhaust.

When asked if he believed any aircraft possessed by the United States could have shot the Tic Tac down, Cmdr. Fravor replied, "I'd say no. Just on the performance. It would have just left."

When Mr. Graves and Cmdr. Fravor were simultaneously asked, in the event their UAP encounters had become hostile, would they have been able to defend themselves, their crew, and their aircraft? The answers came back: "No," and, "Absolutely not."

The first fact is: UAP/UFOs are technologically superior to anything our military -- or any military, to the knowledge of these witnesses -- possesses.

This fact is what makes the UAP/UFO conversation a National Security issue 'from without'.

The Second Fact

In David Grusch's opening statement to the Congressional Oversight Committee he stated that during the time he was with the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), "I was informed, in the course of my official duties, of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program." He also stated that both ET craft and "biologics" were recovered from these crash sites.

Regarding Advanced Technologies (ATs) in the U.S. Government's possession, Congressman Moskowitz asked David Grusch, "Do you have knowledge, or do you have reason to believe that there are programs in the Advanced Tech space that are unsanctioned?"

"Yes, I do." Mr Grusch responded.

Congressman Moskowitz continued, "How does a program like [one of these unsanctioned AT programs] get funded?"

"I will give you generalities. I can get very specific in a closed session but... misappropriation of funds," Mr. Grusch began to reply.

Congressman Moskowitz then followed up, "Does that mean that there is money in the budget that is set to go to a program, but it doesn't, and it goes to something else?"

"Yes. I have specific knowledge of that." Mr. Grusch said.

"Do you think U.S. corporations are over-charging for certain tech they're selling to the U.S. Government, and that additional money is going to [these unsanctioned] programs?" Congressman Moskowitz asked.

"Correct, through something called IRAD," Mr. Grusch answered.

Later in the hearing, Congressman Burchett asked Mr. Grusch, "Has the U.S. Government become aware of actual evidence of extra-terrestrial or otherwise-unexplained forms of intelligence? And, if so, when do you think this first occurred?"

"Certainly. Like I've discussed publicly previously: 1930's", Mr. Grusch responded.

Here is where listening and critical thinking comes into play:

  • We know that select members of the U.S. Government and select military contractors (private corporations) have been reverse-engineering UAPs.
  • We know that select members of the U.S. Government are running unsanctioned Advanced Tech programs without appropriate levels (sensitive to National Security) of Congressional oversight.
  • We know that these unsanctioned programs are being funded by a colossal, unaccounted 'budget'. This 'budget' is created via (1) siphoning/stealing money (your tax dollars) from approved Government programs and, (2) on the military contractor side, by systemically over-charging the Federal Government for products and services rendered. (More tax dollars, taken out of your paycheck, to pay these contractors' invoices.)
  • We know that select members of the U.S. Government and select military contractors (private corporations) have been researching and reverse-engineering UAP technology since the 1930's -- for almost 100 years.

The Second Fact is: An unsanctioned portion of our Government, working with military contractors (private corporations), have developed their own UAPs.

In other words: Of all the UAP/UFO footage you have seen in the past, there is a chance that some of it is extra-terrestrial, and there is a chance that some of it is made by our military contractors.

This fact is what makes the UAP/UFO issue a National Security issue 'from within'.

The Second Fact requires the context of the First. The First Fact's meaning is heavily influenced by the Second.

Moving Forward | Takeaways

  • UAP/UFOs are real, and they have been real the whole time. Yes, some 'sightings' have been proven to be hoaxes. But this does not mean that all sightings are hoaxes. If you were a UAP/UFO believer all along: You were right in some cases and wrong in some cases (the hoaxes). If you were a UAP/UFO skeptic all along: You were right in some cases (the hoaxes) and you were wrong in some cases.
  • Human Beings are not the most advanced species in the Universe. This is a pivotal realization for us as a species. A few hundred years ago, we used to think the Earth was the center, around which the Sun revolved. We now look at that belief as childish and self-absorbed. Today, we begin to understand that Human Beings are not 'the center', but are merely one important resident and contributor to a larger population of Intelligent Life in our Universe.
  • Our society is about to catch up on almost 100 years of reverse-engineered extra-terrestrial technology. If Congress is able to secure the successful disclosure of these technologies to the public (bearing in mind sensitivity to National Security), we can expect some truly miraculous leaps in technology in the coming years and decades.
  • Keeping the above point in mind, understand that this unsanctioned branch of the government + military contractors (private corporations) have technology which makes our official military look like kids with toy guns, by comparison. It is of the utmost importance that you understand this point: Some UAPs are 'us'. Human. Rogue government/military.
  • These unsanctioned/rogue parties currently enjoy a great degree of power and superiority. They are also militaristic individuals by nature. The odds of them giving up their current power and position without a fight are slim.
  • Non-human/Extra-terrestrial beings have been visiting our planet for hundreds (possibly thousands) of years. As it pertains to National Security and this Congressional Hearing, it is important to note that the only 'abductions' which have taken place are the ones David Grusch alluded to having knowledge of, abductions which were carried out by these rogue parties. By humans.
  • There is no impending interstellar threat. The only threat that exists is the human threat these rogue parties represent. The only threat that exists is from the shady people who were being referenced throughout this Congressional Hearing. These people are the only enemy.

An ounce of speculation

I could be wrong about this, but from the years of research and hundreds of hours of critical thinking and exploration I have invested into the UAP/UFO topic, it is my personal impression that there is no ET agenda. Civilizations which can fold space-time to travel billions of light years in an instant would not be interested in contrived human wants such as money/resources or dominion over others. These are base, animalistic desires which we have yet to outgrow on a species level, but this does not mean other more evolved species have not outgrown them. Any thought we might have that this is what ETs want to do to us - dominate or exploit us - would be mere psychological projection of our own childish mentality. A mentality we exhibit daily in extreme ways such as war and human trafficking, as well as subtle ways such as American corporate structure and the economics of our current form of toxic/diseased capitalism.

Our interstellar neighbors have been content for hundreds of years just watching, waiting for us to peacefully unify and become a harmonious species that works together toward a brighter collective vision. Once that happens, maybe we'll learn more about what our trans-cosmic friends would like to see - and perhaps even help - us accomplish.


About the Creator


Poems, articles & stories πŸ““

Expressions of things seen 🌌

Sharing of more subtle things felt ✨

Friends call me Tony. 🌊

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  • Dean F. Hardy9 months ago

    Great catch up. Like Dana I didn't have time to follow or dive in. So enjoyed this a lot. It's fascinating and so so outside the realm of what are minds are capable of truly grasping that it's so difficult to come to terms with it. The theory I've had and kept for years and years after I read the God Delusion by Dawkins, was that if there are other forms of intelligent life in the Universe, that they are most likely human. Just based on the evidence we have to go off, for what constitutes life. And people always roll there eyes because it's "boring" but I think it's the most fascinating possibility. Humans who are maybe thousands of years ahead of us in tech capabilities or went down different philosophical paths and have managed to survive etc.

  • Kristen Balyeat9 months ago

    Woah, I was SO excited to see that you wrote this! I had "research new alien findings" on my list of things to do this weekend. lol! In all seriousness, thank you so much for breaking this down, Tony! My first instinct when I heard the news was "I've believed in this for years, but now that the government is saying it's real, maybe I was wrong":) Anyway, so happy to see you putting this out into the world. If you had a news channel, I'd subscribe. This is so fascinating, exciting, terrifying (the human aspect) and I cannot wait to see what unfolds. What a time to be alive. I truly couldn't agree more with your speculations. Grateful to you for taking the time to write such a detailed article about this most important topic!

  • Dana Crandell9 months ago

    I haven't been able to keep up with it, so thank you very much for this.

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