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What's In My Bag!

Femininity Part #4

By Destiny SmallsPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I love to watch a "What's in my bag" videos on Youtube. They are so relaxing to me and it makes me think about a few things I keep in my bag. So to recreate something similar, I will give you a list of items that are in my everyday bag that is very much needed for me. Get a cup of coffee because it is a lot.

Well, first the kind of bags I like are duffle bags and extra-large tote bags. I love a big bag, it does something to my spirit. The bigger the bag the better. You can figure out what kind of bags you like: small, large, fanny pack, whatever you like or prefer

The big items I have in my bag are a planner and a notebook. I enjoy my paper planner, I am not into the digital planner or calendar, I do use them but they are not my go-to's. The notebook if for if I get an idea, I need to write something down, on-the-go grocery lists, anything that I need to write down or to remember. It is always good to have a notebook with you. That is for any and every woman, one of the number one essentials.

Next, I have my school items my binder and my laptop. I take online classes so these are essential for me when I am at work, I can just do some assignments in my free time. It helps me knock a lot of my school work out before I get home so I can have more time to relax and get some personal things done. Even though I do not have a lot of free time at my job, it is nice to have these items on hand when I do.

I do have several small pouches as well, more than one person should have. One pouch is pens and highlighters. The second is paper clips, post-its, anything else I need to make notes on any papers. Third, is for that time of the month. This is essential for you to have on hand because you never know when it will show up. My last pouch is my hygiene pouch, this is any medicines, body sprays, lotions, gum, that sort of thing. Anything you need while on the road. If the bag that I am using has a lot of pockets inside I do take it out the pouches and put some of these items directly into my bag, just to free up a little extra space. I was raised to be prepared for anything, so that's probably where I carry everything I own in my bags ( I might have a problem).

I have my glasses, a pocket umbrella, and my wallet, of course, the true essentials. Nobody can leave without these things. These are the basics bees of bag stuff.

That is probably all that I have in my purse on a normal day. I know it seems like a lot but without any of it, I would be lost my entire day. When I am out on a date or running errands, of course, I do not have all of these on me just the basics when it comes to that.

I hope this will let you think about your items in your bag and you need to have items. I know that I have a lot in my bag, but you can just use a small one and have your essentials. Think about what should be in your everyday bag. I hope you are happy about your feminine journey. Stay safe and stay happy.


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