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Rastafarian Clothing and Hair: Understanding the Connection

Exploring the Spiritual and Cultural Significance of Rastafarian Fashion and Hair

By Brian KaPublished about a year ago 9 min read

Rastafarianism is a spiritual movement that originated in Jamaica in the 1930s. Its followers, known as Rastafarians, place great importance on their clothing and hair as expressions of their faith and identity. Rastafarian clothing and hair are not merely fashion statements, but symbols of their beliefs and values. In this article, we will delve deeper into the significance of Rastafarian clothing and hair, exploring the cultural and spiritual connections behind these elements of Rastafarianism. By understanding the deeper meaning behind Rastafarian clothing and hair, we can gain a greater appreciation for this rich and vibrant culture.

Rastafarian Clothing

Rastafarian clothing is a visual representation of the movement’s principles and beliefs. The clothing is colorful and bold, with distinct symbols and patterns. Rastafarian clothing is often made from natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and hemp, and it is typically loose-fitting and comfortable.

One of the most notable features of Rastafarian clothing is the use of colors. Red, green, and gold are the primary colors used in Rastafarian clothing and they hold great significance. Red represents the blood of African martyrs and the struggles of the Rastafarian community. Green represents the earth, nature, and life, while gold symbolizes the wealth and abundance of Africa.

The lion is another important symbol in Rastafarian clothing. It represents the strength, courage, and leadership of the Rastafarian community. The lion is often depicted in vibrant colors and is a common motif in Rastafarian clothing, including t-shirts, hoodies, and jackets.

The Ethiopian flag is also an important symbol in Rastafarian clothing. The flag features three horizontal stripes – green, yellow, and red – with a symbolic star in the center. The green represents the land, the yellow represents the wealth of the country, and the red represents the blood of those who fought for independence. The star represents the unity of the Ethiopian people. The flag is often incorporated into Rastafarian clothing, particularly in the form of patches or prints.

The use of colors, symbols, and natural fibers reflects the Rastafarian community’s commitment to nature and their African roots. Through their clothing, Rastafarians express their identity and beliefs, creating a visual representation of their unique culture.

Rastafarian Headwear

Rastafarian headwear is an essential component of the Rastafarian culture, representing the spiritual and cultural identity of the community. There are various types of Rastafarian headwear, including dreadlocks, turbans, and crowns.

Dreadlocks are the most well-known Rastafarian headwear, and they hold great significance within the Rastafarian community. Dreadlocks represent the Rastafarian’s spiritual journey, and they symbolize their connection to their African roots. In Rastafarian culture, growing dreadlocks is seen as a conscious decision to reject mainstream beauty standards and embrace natural hair. Dreadlocks are also a symbol of resistance against oppression, particularly for black people who have been forced to conform to Eurocentric beauty standards.

Turbans are another common Rastafarian headwear, particularly among those who choose not to grow dreadlocks. Turbans are often made from brightly colored fabrics and are worn as a sign of faith and cultural identity. They are also worn to protect the hair from damage and to keep the head cool in hot weather.

Crowns are the most ceremonial Rastafarian headwear, and they are worn by the highest-ranking members of the community. Crowns are often made from natural materials such as leaves, flowers, and beads, and they are decorated with symbols and colors that hold significant cultural and spiritual meanings.

From the iconic dreadlocks to the colorful turbans and intricate crowns, Rastafarian headwear serves as a powerful symbol of the community’s cultural and spiritual identity. By embracing natural hair and rejecting Eurocentric beauty standards, Rastafarians express their resistance against oppression and their commitment to their African roots.

Rastafarian Hair Care

Rastafarian hair care is an essential aspect of the Rastafarian culture, as it represents a spiritual and cultural identity. Rastafarians emphasize the importance of natural hair care, using natural oils and products to promote healthy hair growth.

Natural hair care is essential to Rastafarian culture because it reflects a connection to nature and a commitment to African traditions. The Rastafarian community believes that the hair is a symbol of strength, and it should be treated with care and respect. They also believe that using natural products in hair care is an essential part of maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Rastafarians use natural oils such as coconut oil, castor oil, and olive oil in their hair care routines. These oils promote hair growth, nourish the scalp, and prevent hair breakage. They also use natural shampoos and conditioners made from ingredients such as aloe vera, honey, and apple cider vinegar.

Dreadlocks are another critical aspect of Rastafarian hair care. Rastafarians view growing dreadlocks as a spiritual journey, representing a connection to their African roots and a rejection of Eurocentric beauty standards. Dreadlocks require careful maintenance, including regular washing and conditioning, to keep them healthy and clean.

Rastafarian hair care is an important aspect of the Rastafarian culture, representing a connection to nature, African traditions, and spiritual identity. Using natural oils and products in hair care promotes healthy hair growth and reflects a commitment to natural living. Dreadlocks are a powerful symbol of the Rastafarian journey, representing a connection to African roots and a rejection of Eurocentric beauty standards. Through their hair care practices, Rastafarians express their unique cultural and spiritual identity.

Rastafarian Jewelry

Rastafarian jewelry is an essential aspect of the Rastafarian culture, representing a connection to their spiritual and cultural identity. Rastafarian jewelry is often made from natural materials such as wood, bone, and stone, reflecting a commitment to nature and African traditions.

Rastafarian jewelry is characterized by its simplicity and natural beauty, often featuring handcrafted designs and intricate patterns. Jewelry made from natural materials is preferred because it reflects a connection to the earth and represents a respect for nature. Popular materials used in Rastafarian jewelry include wood, bone, and stone, which are believed to hold spiritual significance.

The Ethiopian cross and the lion are two symbols that hold significant meaning in Rastafarian jewelry. The Ethiopian cross, also known as the “crucifix of Ethiopia,” is a symbol of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which is the dominant religion in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian cross represents faith, spirituality, and cultural identity, and it is often incorporated into Rastafarian jewelry as a symbol of their connection to Ethiopia and African spirituality.

The lion is another important symbol in Rastafarian jewelry, representing strength, courage, and royalty. The lion is seen as a symbol of the African continent and is often associated with Emperor Haile Selassie, who was believed by Rastafarians to be a direct descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The lion is often depicted in Rastafarian jewelry, either alone or in conjunction with other symbols such as the Ethiopian cross.

Rastafarian jewelry is an essential component of the Rastafarian culture, representing a connection to nature, African traditions, and spiritual identity. Jewelry made from natural materials such as wood, bone, and stone reflects a commitment to natural living, while symbols such as the Ethiopian cross and the lion hold significant cultural and spiritual meanings. Through their jewelry, Rastafarians express their unique cultural and spiritual identity, reflecting their connection to their African roots and their commitment to their beliefs.

Rastafarian Fashion Trends

Rastafarian clothing style has had a significant influence on mainstream culture, inspiring many fashion trends that are popular today. From tie-dye to reggae-inspired clothing, Rastafarian fashion has become an iconic and recognizable style, reflecting the unique cultural and spiritual identity of the Rastafarian community.

One of the most significant contributions of Rastafarian fashion to mainstream culture is the tie-dye trend. Tie-dye is a colorful and vibrant style that originated in the Rastafarian community, reflecting their commitment to natural living and their love for vibrant colors. Today, tie-dye has become a popular fashion trend that is embraced by people of all ages and backgrounds, reflecting the enduring appeal of Rastafarian fashion.

Another popular Rastafarian-inspired fashion trend is reggae-inspired clothing. Reggae music is an essential part of Rastafarian culture, and its influence can be seen in the clothing worn by members of the community. Reggae-inspired clothing is characterized by bright colors, bold patterns, and loose-fitting clothing, reflecting the relaxed and carefree attitude of the Rastafarian lifestyle.

Dreadlocks are another essential aspect of Rastafarian fashion, representing a spiritual and cultural identity. Dreadlocks have become a popular fashion trend in recent years, reflecting the enduring appeal of Rastafarian culture. Dreadlocks are often worn by people who admire the Rastafarian way of life, reflecting their commitment to natural living and their love for African traditions.

Rastafarian fashion has had a significant influence on mainstream culture, inspiring many popular fashion trends that are embraced by people of all ages and backgrounds. From tie-dye to reggae-inspired clothing, Rastafarian fashion reflects a unique cultural and spiritual identity, reflecting the enduring appeal of the Rastafarian way of life. Through their fashion, Rastafarians express their unique cultural and spiritual identity, inspiring others to embrace their beliefs and values.

Controversies Surrounding Rastafarian Clothing and Hair

Despite the enduring appeal of Rastafarian fashion and hair, controversies have arisen over the years, raising questions about cultural appropriation and the use of Rastafarian symbols in fashion and popular culture. These controversies reflect the ongoing struggle faced by marginalized communities to maintain their cultural identity in the face of cultural appropriation and commercialization.

One of the main controversies surrounding Rastafarian clothing and hair is cultural appropriation. The use of Rastafarian symbols and fashion by mainstream culture, without any understanding or respect for the cultural and spiritual significance of these symbols, can be seen as a form of cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation erases the meaning and value of cultural traditions, stripping them of their significance and history, and often perpetuates negative stereotypes and prejudices. Many Rastafarians feel that their cultural identity is being appropriated and commodified, erasing their history and significance.

Another controversy is the debate over the use of Rastafarian symbols in fashion and popular culture. Some argue that the use of these symbols, such as the Ethiopian flag or the lion, is a form of cultural appreciation, showing admiration and respect for Rastafarian culture. Others argue that the use of these symbols in commercial contexts is a form of cultural commodification, reducing the symbols to mere products that can be sold and marketed for profit.

Furthermore, there are debates surrounding the cultural significance and respect of dreadlocks. Some non-Rastafarians see it as a fashion trend and hairstyle, whereas for Rastafarians, dreadlocks have deep spiritual and cultural significance as a symbol of their commitment to natural living and their African heritage. The commercialization and appropriation of dreadlocks can be seen as an act of cultural disrespect, reducing a deeply spiritual symbol to a mere fashion accessory.

Controversies surrounding Rastafarian clothing and hair reflect the ongoing struggle for marginalized communities to maintain their cultural identity in the face of cultural appropriation and commercialization. It is essential to respect the cultural and spiritual significance of Rastafarian symbols and fashion, and to avoid reducing them to mere fashion trends or commercial products. By honoring and respecting Rastafarian culture and traditions, we can celebrate and learn from the unique cultural and spiritual identity of this community.


Rastafarian culture places significant importance on clothing and hair as expressions of spiritual identity and cultural heritage. The colors of red, green, and gold, as well as the symbolism of the lion and the Ethiopian flag, are central to Rastafarian clothing. Meanwhile, natural hair care and dreadlocks serve as symbols of spiritual identity and resistance against oppression. Rastafarian jewelry, made of natural materials such as wood, bone, and stone, carries deep spiritual and cultural significance.

Despite the enduring appeal of Rastafarian clothes and hair, controversies surrounding cultural appropriation and commodification remind us of the importance of respecting the cultural and spiritual significance of Rastafarian symbols and traditions. By honoring and respecting Rastafarian culture, we can celebrate and learn from the unique cultural and spiritual identity of this community.

In conclusion, Rastafarian culture is a rich and vibrant expression of spiritual and cultural identity that continues to inspire and influence fashion and popular culture around the world.

(Main Picture Credit: Paz de Jah)


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Brian Ka

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    Brian KaWritten by Brian Ka

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