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Pros & Cons of the Green Emerald Stone They Don’t Tell You

Emerald green stone: Pros and Cons They Don't Tell You

By Eric BakerPublished 9 months ago 3 min read


Emeralds, the gorgeous green gemstone, and May birthstone, have mesmerized human hearts for ages. Regarded for their striking beauty and profound symbolism, these gems have prettified crowns, jewelry, and talismans of both royal and common people. Apart from the allure, there are some unfamiliar aspects of emerald gemstones that deserve to be heard.

In this article, we’ll discover the pros and cons of the green emerald stone, unveiling its unique qualities and metaphysical properties.

Green Emerald Stone- Pros

Alluring Beauty

The gorgeous lush green color of emerald is unmatched in the realm of gemstones. Its peerless chroma is said to represent rebirth, new beginning, harmony, and growth, making it a perfect gemstone for those who seek a connection to nature’s positive vibe.

Solitaire Emerald Stone Ring

Emotional Healing

Emeralds have long been linked to emotional healing. It is believed that their metaphysical properties can promote balance and peace in the wearer’s life. The tranquil energy of emeralds is thought to bring mental clarity, helping individuals make strong decisions and think more practically during tough situations.

Enhance Intuition

Emeralds are also revered as the gemstone of intuition, and are thought to awaken one’s inner wisdom, permitting better insight and understanding of life’s challenges.

Positive Energy

Emeralds are also linked with joy, prosperity, abundance, and positive energy. It is said that wearing or carrying an emerald can invite good fortune and boost one’s financial condition.

Everlasting Heritage

For centuries, emeralds have been treasured as a token of power, love, and eternal youth. They have prettified the crowns and jewelry of royalty, endorsing their position as a gemstone with an everlasting legacy.

Elevates Creativity and Imagination

For creative individuals like writers and artists, emeralds are thought to enhance creativity and elevate the flow of ideas. Wearing emeralds as jewelry can offer a constant source of inspiration, stimulating innovation and artistry.

Gemstone for Heart

Emeralds are associated with the heart and are believed to solidify relationships and foster eternal love. They are often exchanged as engagement rings, symbolizing loyalty and devotion.

Green Emerald Stone- Cons


Beyond their beauty, emeralds are quite delicate when compared to other gemstones. With a score of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, emeralds are easily affected by scratches and chipping. To preserve the brilliance, handling with care and regular cleaning is essential.

Vulnerability to Light

Exposure to strong light, specifically sunlight, can damage the gorgeous hue of emeralds over time, decreasing their beauty and visual appeal.

Flaws and Inclusions

Genuine emeralds often carry flaws and blemishes, also known as inclusions in the internal part of the stone, which may affect the clarity of the stone. These flaws are the witness to the gems’ true genesis but may not always be accepted by those consumers who seek a pristine gemstone.

Treatments to Enhance Beauty

Several emeralds undergo treatments, such as oiling, polishing, and filling, to elevate their beauty and diminish inclusions that are visible to the naked eye. These treatments are not always ever-lasting and might necessitate re-application, which should be revealed at the time of sale.

Valuation of Emeralds

Premium emeralds are rare and command a high price, making them a substantial investment. Beware of artificial and synthetic emeralds sold as natural, as they will not exhibit the same value or charm.

Compatibility Considerations

According to astrology, not everyone’s energy blends perfectly with the energy of emeralds. Wearing emeralds without knowing whether they suit your stars and zodiac sign could evoke unexpected challenges in life.

Final Words

The charm of the emerald gemstone is irresistible, with its enchanting beauty, profound symbolism, and metaphysical properties, these gems win over admirers from every continent.

As with other gemstones, it’s crucial to evaluate the pros and cons before making the final decision. While emeralds can be a treasured and significant extension to your jewelry collection, their fragility, rarity, compatibility, etc, need in-depth examination.

When buying an emerald, consult well-known jewelers who can provide you with a certificate of authenticity. With the right maintenance of its beauty and brilliance, an emerald can become a cherished gemstone that can surpass the time test and be passed down to the next generations.

Whether you choose to wear an emerald for its metaphysical qualities, its alluring beauty, or its symbolism of love and promise, this mesmerizing green stone is sure to leave an everlasting impression.

To buy precious or semi-precious gemstones including emeralds, you can visit the website of GemsNY and get up to 20% off by using the coupon code GNY20.


About the Creator

Eric Baker

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