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The world's top ten special forces

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By Salachi MavishPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
The world's top ten special forces
Photo by Aleksey Kashmar on Unsplash

When it comes to special forces, we all know that they are certainly the elite of the elite in the army, they are usually well-equipped, extraordinary, mysterious, and powerful. Then you know which the world's top ten special forces are which? Today will take you to find out. The following ranking in no particular order, welcome partners comment section message discussion

British Special Air Service Regiment ASS

British Special Air Service Regiment is the world's first modern sense of special forces, established at the beginning of the Second World War, specializing in the implementation of counter-terrorism and special operations and other tasks, many countries in the world as a model, the Special Air Service Regiment involved in countless actions. One of the most famous and famous ASS is the Iranian embassy hostage-taking incident in May 1980. The police did not give the ASS command of the operation until the terrorists had killed one of the hostages, due to severe British laws, and the ASS easily rescued the remaining hostages by relying on its superior combat capabilities.

Polish Mobile Response Operational Unit (FROM)

FROM members are carefully selected from the Polish Special Forces, and despite their qualities, they undergo a rigorous training program after being selected. Mainly for hostage rescue training and airborne, surface, and underwater infiltration assault skills training. In the 2003 Iraqi war, Polish Mobile Response Unit (MU) was the lead unit, and with the help of night vision, snipers from the Black Hawk helicopters and Prom team members took out more than 40 Iraqi soldiers guarding an oil field with explosives in just three minutes.

Russian Alpha Team

In 1981, the Alpha Team subdued two terrorists armed with assault rifles who were holding 25 students hostage in the city of Jayapura, without any casualties during the rescue. One of the two terrorists was wounded by the team and the other was killed, leaving all hostages unharmed. The group has never failed in an operation since its formation and is the most powerful counter-terrorism unit in the world.

Israeli General Staff Reconnaissance Battalion

The Israeli General Staff Reconnaissance Battalion, nicknamed the 'Wild Boys' of the desert, was officially established in 1957 with the main mission of tactical reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and rescue of personnel. In April 1973, the Wild Boys first came to the attention of the world when, with the cooperation of other units, they raided the PLO headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, killing three PLO leaders and destroying the Lebanese branch of the organization. The 'Black September' terrorist organization showed the world the superior counter-terrorism capabilities of Israeli special forces.

U.S. Delta Force

The U.S. Delta Force is the U.S. Army's elite counter-terrorism unit, established in April 1978 after the British Special Air Service ASS, whose main task is to deal with a variety of terrorist activities worldwide that threaten U.S. interests, is today one of the world's most well-trained, best-equipped and best-funded special forces. In the 2003 Iraq War Operation Red Dawn, Delta Force found and captured former Iraqi President Saddam alive based on intelligence. But for some political reasons, this unit is not officially recognized by the U.S. military.

By Aleksey Kashmar on Unsplash

French National Gendarme Intervention Team (GIG)

The French National Gendarme Intervention Unit (GIG) was officially established in 1974, and the unit was birthed out of the international terrorism frenzy. the 1970s saw a high wave of international terrorism, and the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorist massacre shocked the world. the GIG has been involved in over 1800 missions since its establishment, rescuing over 600 hostages and arresting over 1000 terrorists, and is known as 'The Sword at the Arc DE Triumph'. One of the most famous actions was the terrorist hijacking of Air France flight 8969, where the hijackers demanded the destruction of the Eiffel Tower, killing three passengers on the spot to demonstrate, and finally, GIG infiltrated the plane and successfully killed the four hijackers.

U.S. Navy Seals

The U.S. Navy Seals were established in January 1962, formerly known as the U.S. Navy Underwater Demolition Team, which is part of the U.S. Navy. To enter the Seals, trainees have to pass the world's most arduous and rigorous special military training, and finally, 70% of the trainees have to be eliminated from the team. Therefore becoming a SEAL is the highest honor for an American soldier. One of the most widely known SEAL operations is Operation Neptune Spear on May 1, 2011, in which 24 Seals boarded Black hawk helicopters to Pakistan and successfully killed 9/11 perpetrator Obama bin Laden in an operation that lasted only 38 minutes.

The 9th Anti-Terrorist Brigade of the German Border Guard

GAG-9 is a special unit formed in September 1972 to fight against terrorism and hijacking, they are extremely powerful, over the years in the anti-terrorist front repeatedly achieved miraculous success, known as 'German Jaguar', October 13, 1977, the 181st flight of the Federal German Airlines from the Spanish island of Malacca, in the flight to On October 13, 1977, Federal German Airlines Flight 181 was hijacked by four terrorists en route to Frankfurt, and all 82 passengers and five crew members on board became hostages. Two assault teams of 61 members of the Border Guard's Ninth Anti-Terrorist Brigade finally broke into the plane by blowing open the hatch with bombs. In front of the sudden attack, the terrorists were captured, and the whole operation took only one minute and 46 seconds.

Russian 'Signal Flag' Special Forces

Russia has two swords for fighting terrorism: the famous Alpha and the Signal Flag. The major difference between the two is that the former is primarily engaged in counter-terrorist activities at home, while the latter conducts counter-subversion and policing of Russian targets abroad. On September 1, 2004, Ameslan No. 1 High School was occupied by terrorists. The Russian military sent Signal Flag special forces to surround the school for three days in an attempt to free the besieged civilians and students and finally forced an attack in a helpless situation, resulting in heavy casualties among Signal Flag members, which was the largest casualty operation since the formation of Signal Flag.

Chinese Sky wolf Commandos

The Sky Wolf Commando Unit was created by the famous General Pen Guofeng during the war against Japan, and is generally known to the outside world as the 'Guofeng Regiment'. 2000 'Guofeng Regiment' was based on the 8th Company of the Special Operations Company, and established the first anti-terrorist special operations detachment in the team's history, with all the privileged members who Can master more than six kinds of light weapons proficiently. All of them can parachute, airborne, climb, swim, drive, and fight and 85% of the officers and men mastered computer technology, military English, and anti-terrorist sign language. Relying on high-quality soldiers, the Wolf Commando Unit has overcome more than 30 counter-terrorism training problems and continuously conducted super-intense, difficult, and high-risk practical training.


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Salachi Mavish

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