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How You Can Help Nourish the Children with Vitameal

Global Problem, Unique Solution

By SKINCRAVE.IOPublished 11 months ago 8 min read


Malnourished children's diets are lacking in key nutrients, which can impair brain, bone, and immune system development. The majority of humanitarian food aid is grain, like corn, which may be deficient in essential vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy development.

Nu Skin's Nourish the Children project is the solution to providing a steady and growing supply of nutritious meals to the world's least fortunate children. This straightforward concept works by providing a very nutritious food — VitaMeal — and then supporting people in donating their purchases to third-party nonprofit groups that specialize in giving food to those suffering from malnutrition and famine.

Since June 2002, Nu Skin's Nourish the Children project has partnered with recognized humanitarian organizations to provide donated VitaMeal bags to parts of the world that are in greatest need.

Nourish the Children's principal charity partner is Feed the Children, one of the leading international charities in the United States that specializes in sending millions of pounds of food to families in over 60 countries each year. The charity partner distributes VitaMeal purchased and contributed at no additional cost and provides frequent reports proving food receipt by individuals in need.

VITAMEAL: More than Just a Meal

Donate Vitameal Here: United States | Philippines

VitaMeal is vegetarian and non-dairy and allows for the easy addition of ingredients to fit every taste and culture. Our two VitaMeal options contain either 10 or 30 child-sized meals, or enough food to provide a child with one nutritious meal each day for 10 days or an entire month.

VitaMeal provides:

  • A balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat and fiber
  • Essential fatty acids required for normal brain development, skin health and immune defense
  • Electrolytes necessary for maintaining normal fluid balance and muscle function
  • 25 essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A for normal sight and immune functions, as well as nutrients for normal growth and skeletal development.

Vitameal Fact Sheet

    Donors know exactly how their contribution is being used and can be confident that their donation is making a difference in the lives of children by donating products rather than cash.

    Maximizing Your Impact

    While the meal itself has a significant influence on the lives of children, the donations reach well beyond the meal to affect the lives of many others. These meal donations help to improve people's lives and create opportunities to improve lives through education, jobs, and teaching self-sufficiency.

    1. Drawing Children to School

    Donations of VitaMeal are usually delivered through school programs since poor parents will often send their children to school for a free lunch rather than keeping them at home to work. This is especially true for females: according to the World Bank, "there is no investment more effective for achieving development goals than educating girls."

    2. Ensuring a Consistent Flow of Donations

    Nourish the Children, a social business initiative, encourages continuous and increasing food donations by providing an incentive to buy, donate, and promote VitaMeal. This commission is built into the food price, allowing distributors to use their time and resources to encourage others to join the fight against malnutrition. Nu Skin's corporate match program increases your VitaMeal gift.

    3. Building Economic Opportunity

    VitaMeal's contracted manufacturing factories in Malawi and China provide jobs and economic development prospects.

    4. Contributing to Self-Sufficiency

    The Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation receives a portion of the proceeds from VitaMeal purchases to fund agricultural education at Mtalimanja Village in Malawi. Increased farm productivity could potentially reduce Malawi's demand for food aid.


Almost every country in the world has hungry children, but Nourish the Children VitaMeal donations are distributed to the most vulnerable children. Read our Smiles Reports for more details about VitaMeal delivery.


Adeng Gupu, an 11-year-old Chinese girl, lost her parents when she was young and has had a difficult life. Her primary food source was potatoes, but after VitaMeal was introduced to Adeng's school, she grew significantly taller and stronger. It's dubbed "Bean Meal" by her and her sister. Children all throughout the world are getting the nutrition they need to grow strong thanks to Nourish the Children.


Jonathan Patrick is four years old. Patrick lost both of his parents to HIV/AIDS when he was two years old. Patrick now lives with his grandmother, who is quite old and unable to maintain Patrick and his basic requirements. Patrick began displaying indications of acute malnourishment in 2012, and his grandmother, concerned for his well-being, brought him to a child care center in Ngongoti. Patrick was able to receive VitaMeal, a vitamin-rich diet created by Nu Skin nutritional specialists to boost the health of malnourished children and encourage healthy weight gain, thanks to the Joyce Banda Foundation. Nu Skin sales leaders, customers, and employees purchase and donate these meals as part of the Nourish the Children campaign, which began in 2002.

Patrick's condition has significantly improved today. He is no longer showing signs of severe malnourishment as a result of VitaMeal. He is happier, more energetic, and achieving academic success. VitaMeal has not only eased Patrick's condition, but it has also lightened his grandmother's load, knowing that her grandson is being served vitamin-enriched meals every day. Patrick's life has been transformed thanks to Nu Skin and the Joyce Banda Foundation, and with your help, other children around the world will continue to benefit from VitaMeal.


Since she was four years old, Sarah has been a part of Convoy of Hope's Children's Feeding program. Her father died while she was a child, and her mother was too young to raise her. Sarah's grandmother, unable to provide the necessary support, placed her in an orphanage, where she received VitaMeal as one of her meals. Sarah is now 13 years old and about to enter the seventh grade. She frequently draws when she is not involved in school activities. Sarah aspires to be an artist one day, and thanks to VitaMeal, she has the strength to do it.

Sarah is just one of the many children who are helped by VitaMeal, thanks to the generosity of individuals who buy and donate to the Nourish the Children project. Many of these children live in places with limited access to clean water and health care, and their families rely on the meals provided to them every day. "I feel good!" Sarah answers when asked how she is feeling presently. I eat twice or three times a day and have plenty of energy to play. Thank you for your aid." Nourish the Children is dedicated to assisting low-income families, and it is all made possible by those who donate to the cause. Thank you for your contribution to changing the world one child at a time.


In February 2018, a group of twenty-five local NTC Ambassadors and donors visited Wayuu children from the Village of Kaimaran La Guajira and donated 1000 bags of VitaMeal and 400 school backpacks to commemorate the three-year anniversary of the Nourish the Children (NTC) program in La Guajira, Colombia.

 Since 2015, NTC has supplied 12,000 bags to the Wayuu Arurayuu Association, which distributes the bags monthly to various towns and education facilities in La Guajira, Wayuu territory.

"Children in this area have the highest mortality rate in the nation due to malnutrition," stated Felix Montiel, Program Coordinator for the Wayuu Araurayu Association. For some Wayuu youngsters, the VitaMeal school lunch will be their only meal that day. These VitaMeal gifts are saving our children's lives and increasing their attendance at school!

Wayuu children from seven communities came into the Kaimaran school center to greet the Nu Skin group with American, Colombian, Wayuu, and Nu Skin flags. Children honored their sponsors with traditional dances and were overjoyed to get their VitaMeal meal as well as back-to-school backpacks loaded with school materials.


Ella May lives in a house made of bamboo and other locally available materials. Ella's parents earn less than 250 pesos ($15) each day, and while the majority of their earnings are spent on food and education for their children, the amount they earn is insufficient for the family of eight.

Not all of the children could eat every day, and Ella, as the eldest, would frequently skip additional meals so that her siblings could eat. Ella began to lose weight and lag behind in class as a result of not eating enough. Ella May and her siblings, thankfully, were recently enrolled in a feeding program at her school that serves VitaMeal. She began to appear healthier and participate in class more after eating VitaMeal for several weeks.

She is a prime illustration of how adequate, consistent nutrition from foods like VitaMeal can make a significant difference in the lives of children. Ella May has been healthier, happier, and more positive about the future since beginning the program. Her ambition is to become a fashion designer and create gorgeous gowns while also providing for her family.

Her desire could become a reality with your sustained support. Ella May appreciates the kind donations that aid her and her siblings.


Emma is eight years old and lives in El Salvador with her parents, two siblings, and grandmother in a modest house. Things have been difficult recently. Emma and her family often went hungry since her father struggled to find permanent work and couldn't always afford enough food.

Emma was recently enrolled in the Children's Feeding Initiative, which is run by Convoy of Hope, one of Nourish the Children's charity partners. Emma now receives VitaMeal at school, which has significantly improved her life. VitaMeal not only fills her stomach, but it also relieves some of her family's financial stress.

Emma has big dreams for the future. "I want to be a nurse so that I can help other people," she explains. Emma can dream of her future with confidence because of the generosity of VitaMeal donors. Please keep purchasing and donating to support youngsters like Emma.

Remember that no act of kindness is too little. By donating VitaMeal, you are not only nourishing people but also empowering them to grow and make great changes in their lives. We can make a major difference by working together to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry. Take action now to contribute to the solution to global food insecurity.

👉 You can donate here (United States of America | Philippines)

Disclaimer: All information was obtained from Nu Skin Enterprises.


About the Creator


Hi, I'm Mika of SKINCRAVE.IO and I'm partnered up with Nu Skin to help you achieve a younger-looking skin with effective Bioadaptive and Sustainable Anti-Aging Skin Treatments. Read my stories!

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