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How to lose weight fast without suffering in 2022

But the problem is that most diets are unsustainable in the long run because they make you hungry and constantly dissatisfied.

By Raul BenitezPublished 2 years ago 13 min read

But the problem is that most diets are unsustainable in the long run because they make you hungry and constantly dissatisfied.

And if you don't have an extraordinary will, the feeling of hunger will finally get the better of you. You end up giving up and being even fatter in the following months. So many diets put your health at risk

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Why do we gain weight after a diet?


Unfortunately, this is a fairly natural phenomenon. This is often a consequence of the diet itself.

Why is that?

Well, because most diets aim to make you drastically reduce your calorie intake. That's a good thing in itself… But the problem is that your body doesn't just reduce your body fat when you eat less. It also reduces your muscle mass, because muscle mass requires more calories to maintain than fat mass.

The result of this process is that you end each diet with reduced muscle mass, and therefore a reduced basal metabolic rate . The latter corresponds to your minimum daily calorie requirement, the one that is just necessary to make your

But the basic metabolism decreases at the same time as your muscles melt. This bodywork, even if you stay in bed all day. This need is therefore why an elderly person often needs fewer calories than a growing teenager 😉

So if you lose muscle while dieting, you'll still need to reduce your daily calorie intake so you don't gain weight afterward. In fact, it's a real vicious circle...

Articles to help you lose weight fast

Before going any further, I invite you to discover the themes of all the blog posts to help you lose weight faster:


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How to lose weight effectively?

This is why you must absolutely meet the following criteria:

Reduce your appetite without starving yourself;

Replace bad eating habits with good ones;

Do not depend on meals prepared by the seller of the weight loss program (many offers of this kind on the Internet);

Burn fat, not muscle;

Improve your physical condition at the same time.

In fact, an effective diet must be a complete learning process and not a ready-made solution that costs an arm and a leg. This is the only solution so that you don't let go along the way.

Maybe the real question should be this: thin without dieting?

Well, let's say that rebalancing your diet and knowing some tips validated by science are generally the real solution for your overweight.

As you will see in this very comprehensive article, it is not that difficult.

When losing weight fast is a necessity

Many people start dieting primarily for cosmetic reasons. This is particularly the case for women before the summer. No, don't deny it, it's not worth it 😉

But the primary reason why it is often necessary to go on a diet is elsewhere. Indeed, it is above all a question of health.

Of course, visible fat is often unsightly when there is too much of it. This is called subcutaneous fat (under the skin).

However, the really dangerous one is visceral fat. It is that which surrounds the vital organs and which cannot be seen. In small quantities, it is essential to protect these organs. But in large quantities, it is the cause of many health problems such as cardiovascular disease or type 2 diabetes.

In the end, whether your goal is to improve your health or simply to get leaner for your summer outfits, burning body fat is a real challenge.

Besides reducing calorie intake through diet and exercise (or both), many factors influence getting rid of fat faster.

Luckily, there are plenty of fairly easy-to-learn habits that can speed up fat burning. Here are 12 to put into practice right away if you really want to quickly. We start with the food rules:

1. Drink healthier to lose weight fast

Swapping a soda for a healthier drink is definitely the quickest way to shed fat fast enough. Indeed, sodas and fruit juices, even if you make them yourself, are fat accelerators.

Alcohol also brings unnecessary calories, not to mention all the dirt that can be swallowed during the aperitif. Admittedly, it's nice from time to time, but be moderate if you want to get rid of your fat reserve. And above all, avoid beer as long as you are overweight because it is an alcohol that we unfortunately never drink in small quantities.

This blog often talks about the risks associated with these different drinks in several articles. Studies have shown that the consumption of sugary drinks and alcohol is linked to increased abdominal fat . Removing or reducing them will therefore necessarily have an almost immediate impact on your waistline.

The importance of fluid intake

The good news, increasing your water intake will have the opposite effect. You should know that the breakdown and elimination of your fat mass are favored by the consumption of water. Don't be afraid to drink more than 2 liters a day, even in winter.


As this points out, drinking a large glass of water before eating promotes weight loss. Indeed, water acts as an appetite suppressant to fill the stomach before meals and, duces appetite. Try it, you'll see!

An NCB study found that drinking half a liter of water before meals caused you to lose 2 pounds more in just 12 weeks. That is the equivalent of 8 kilos per year. It's still not bad!

If drinking a lot of plain water is difficult for you, you can drink green tea or herbal tea without sugar. Sparkling water can also be a good alternative, but check the salt content in the one you buy.

Green tea is interesting because it contains caffeine, which is sometimes mistakenly called theine

It is also rich in antioxidants. However, these 2 constituents of green tea seem to contribute to the elimination of body fat and to the acceleration of metabolism.

SUMMARY: Sugary drinks and alcohol are associated with a greater risk of belly fat and increased body fat. On the opposite, water and green tea help to lose weight quickly.

2. Cut carbs to speed up weight loss

Reducing your intake of carbohydrates, especially refined ones, can only speed up your weight loss.

During the industrial transformation process, refined cereals, for example, lose their fiber and nutrients. All that's left are fast-absorbing carbs that breed type 2 diabetes.

Also, their high glycemic index produces spikes in insulin followed by a drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). The result is that you are hungry even though you just left the table less than 2 hours before. That's why you're never satisfied after a fast food meal.

This wouldn't have happened to you with a meal higher in quality protein and fat, along with some complex carbohydrates, whole fruits, and vegetables.

You will find other interesting information on this subject.

Various studies have shown that eating refined carbohydrates is associated with more belly fat. Not just subcutaneous fat, but also excess visceral fat often leads to obesity.

In contrast, a diet higher in whole grains was associated with a lower Body Fat Index and a smaller waistline

For best results, drastically reduce your consumption of pastries, processed foods, white bread, and breakfast cereals. Replace them as much as possible with whole grains without sugar, whole fruits (no juice or compote), quinoa, buckwheat, barley, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, etc.

Lose weight fast with these vegetables

Readers regularly ask me: What are the foods that make you lose weight?

In reality, no food makes you lose weight. There are no fat-burning foods either. All this is marketing packaging or a way to attract gullible people that we are all more or less in the face of advertising 🙁

However, certain foods have the particularity of helping you eat less. And above all, they promote your satiety without stuffing you with calories. Among them, you will find vegetables in particular.

Indeed, many plants are naturally low in carbohydrates. You can use and abuse it. Here are a few :


Cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, etc.)







Green beans






Don't be afraid to fill your plate with it 😉

You can also combine them with whole meal pasta or brown rice to eat fewer carbohydrates while increasing your fiber consumption, which we will discuss in the next point.

SUMMARY: Refined carbohydrates are low in fiber and nutrients. They increase the feeling of hunger and promote diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Their consumption is also associated with a fatter belly.

3. Fibers to promote slimming

Soluble and insoluble fiber is found in many foods, including seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Solubles are particularly important for slowing the absorption of fats and reducing LDL cholesterol, also called bad cholesterol.

They naturally play the role of the hormonal regulator by controlling estrogen levels which are involved in abdominal obesity. In addition, they promote the impression of satiety over time and therefore encourage you to eat less.

Here is a small list of foods high in soluble fiber :








Sweet potatoes

White and red beans

Green beans





Brussels sprouts







Dried figs

One study found that increasing fiber intake promotes satiety and reduces feelings of hunger. An increase of 14 grams of fiber per day was even associated with a reduction in calories consumed by 10%.

In addition, people who participated lost about 2 kilos in 4 months, just thanks to this daily fiber intake, according to experts.

SUMMARY: Consuming more fiber each day will help you eat less effortlessly and melt fat faster.

4. Eat more protein

Rest assured that adding high-protein foods to replace those high in carbohydrates is bound to have an effect on your waistline. And that's true even if you don't reduce your calorie intake. Incredible

Do you know why? Well first of all because your body must consume about 30% of the calories from proteins to digest them. While it will only take 10% of carbohydrate calories to digest them.

Do the math: If you eat 500 calories, your body really only has 350 available for energy or fat if it's protein. While it will have 450 calories if you consume carbohydrates. That's about 28% more!

But that's not the only reason you should replace some carbs with protein.

Proteins have the particularity of reducing appetite for 3 reasons:

They promote satiety;

They are digested more slowly;

They do not create a spike in blood sugar followed by hypoglycemia.

Dietary protein is mainly found in the following foods:




shellfish and crustaceans


Whole grains

nuts and seeds.

In fact, numerous studies have shown that eating more good-quality protein is associated with less belly fat. This is particularly what this NCB report indicates

Not to mention that a high protein or simply higher protein diet can preserve your muscle mass while you lose fat while dieting.

SUMMARY: Eating a higher protein diet is associated with lower body fat. In addition, this nutrient reduces appetite, encourages you to eat less often, and preserves your muscle mass.

5. Eat good fats to lose weight faster

It's true, it seems against nature to say that. We've been told for decades that we need to eat less fat to lose weight. And we were sold foods with 0% fat and made us believe that this is how we were going to burn our fat reserves.

Well, that's wrong. We should say that we should eat “better fat” rather than less fat.

Let me explain: Our body cannot live without lipids. Our cell membranes themselves need it. It is estimated that 25% fat is needed in the diet. But still, it's important to eat quality fats first.

Digestion of fat takes time in the stomach, which reduces appetite and hunger pangs.


I found that a Mediterranean-style diet high in healthy fats, such as olive oil or nuts, is associated with a lower risk of weight gain than a low-fat diet.

Pay attention to the quality of the fats consumed

Of course, that doesn't mean that all fats are good.

For example, you certainly know how toxic trans fat so common in industrial products is. Various studies have clearly shown that this type of fat promotes body fat, increased waist circumference, and visceral fat (the most dangerous).

Some examples of healthy fats to include in a balanced diet:

Olive oil

coconut oil


Nuts and seeds (chia, sesame, flax, sunflower, etc.)

Butter (yes you read that right!)

However, keep in mind that even when they are healthy, fats are caloric. Unlike proteins and carbohydrates which contain 4 Calories per gram, fats contain 9. In addition, our body absorbs them, losing only 4% of these calories to digest them.

So indulge yourself in moderation. Rather than just adding healthy fats to your diet, replace the unhealthy ones with good quality fats.

SUMMARY: Fat is digested slowly. Its consumption can therefore reduce your appetite. Higher intake of healthy fats is associated with a slimmer waistline, reduced weight gain, and less belly fat.

6. Coffee to boost your weight loss

Almost all supplements that claim to burn fat contain caffeine as one of the first ingredients. It's not for nothing!

Contrary to what one might think, caffeine is not only found in coffee. It is this same molecule that we find for example in tea, often wrongly called theine, chocolate, maté, or guarana. This is what a study indicates.

Caffeine has the particularity of stimulating the central nervous system and promoting the destocking of fats in free fatty acids. It is these fatty acids that the body can burn during exercise and not body fat directly.

Also, caffeine can boost the effectiveness of your workouts. Indeed, it increases your energy expenditure and accelerates your metabolism (thermogenesis) by 3 to 11% according to this American study.

Of course, to get the most benefit from coffee or caffeinated beverages, you should consume them without sugar or cream. You should also be careful not to drink too much of it, because high doses of caffeine can have side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, excessive digestion, etc.

If you want to relax a bit, watch this video of the song “Le café” by Oldelaf:

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