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Disc-Shaped Craft Hovers Over Colorado Concert Venue, Employees Say: 'It Knew It Was Being Watched'

A Dozen Employees Witness UFO Hover and Vanish Over Red Rocks Amphitheatre

By Ravi SinghPublished 4 days ago 3 min read
Alien watching humans on Earth

A dozen employees at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, Colorado, reported witnessing a "large, disc-shaped craft" hovering above the concert venue before it mysteriously vanished. The sighting, which occurred on June 5, was reported to the National UFO Reporting Center by one of the employees.

Eyewitness Account of the UFO Sighting

"What's even crazier is that as soon as we all started noticing it and stopped what we were doing to pay attention to it, the craft tipped at an angle and slowly started moving belly-first to the east," one employee recounted. "Then it started fading away until it was invisible. It didn't shoot off into the distance. It simply dissolved into the ether. We all watched it vanish."

According to the National UFO Reporting Center, the "silent" hovering object was long—about the size of a "three-story office building"—and had three levels of windows and lights.

Initial Discovery and Reaction

The sighting began when one co-worker pointed out the object, saying, "Hey, what is that over there? It looks like a spaceship." The group, which was about half a mile to a mile north of Red Rocks, turned their attention to the sky and confirmed the presence of the UFO. "We all turned to look in the direction he was pointing and sure enough, there was a UFO hovering about half a mile to a mile north of Red Rocks," the reporting employee wrote.


The employees watched in awe as the UFO seemed to react to their observation. "It suddenly 'fade(d) into nothing as soon as it knew it was being watched,'" the employee noted. "This was not a plane. It wasn't a satellite, a drone, or anything like that. There was no mistaking what this was."

Similarities to Other UFO Encounters

The way the craft "simply dissolved into the ether" is reminiscent of a reported alien encounter in Las Vegas last April. In that incident, "beings" reportedly vanished using what appeared to be a "cloaking mechanism." Scott Roder, a veteran crime scene reconstruction analyst, reviewed the Las Vegas witnesses' video and identified two "smokey filters" that didn't match the background. He theorized that the beings used a cloaking device to shield themselves from the curious family and responding police officers.

"In one second of real time, there are 30 frames that show a 'head… with smoke around it,'" Roder explained. "This is some sort of cloaking device."

Growing Interest in UFOs and UAPs

There is a growing interest in UFOs, now commonly referred to as UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena). Roder worked with Jim Quirk, a reporter who runs the Extra-terrestrial Reality podcast, to recreate the scene in the Las Vegas backyard on April 30, 2023. Quirk shared videos and images with Fox News Digital.

Roder is calling for a peer review of his findings. "I want to open this up. Everything that we've done. I'm opening it up for peer review… I'm willing to hear what professionals in my field have to say about this and open it up. And if I'm wrong, you know, I'll admit it," Roder stated, though he remains confident in his conclusions.

Questions Remain

"These two items, these two beings, are in the real world environment with the Kenmore family. That's a fact," Roder said. "Now the question is, Who are they? Where are they from and what do they want? That's where the conversation goes."

The Red Rocks sighting has added to the ongoing intrigue and debate surrounding UFOs and UAPs. With more eyewitness accounts and investigative efforts, the quest to understand these phenomena continues.


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    RSWritten by Ravi Singh

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