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Perfect Ally: 32 Fun Ways to Celebrate Pride Month 2023

Making a Rainbow Connection: Navigate Pride Month 2023 like a pro with these 32 engaging, supportive, and meaningful actions that'll make you the ally you've always aspired to be.

By Nathan ChenPublished 11 months ago 4 min read
Perfect Ally: 32 Fun Ways to Celebrate Pride Month 2023
Photo by Mercedes Mehling on Unsplash

June is rolling around the corner, and you know what that means. Yes, you've got it, it's the colorful, vibrant, and ever-important Pride Month 2023. It's a time to learn, understand, celebrate, and above all, it's a time to be a better ally to our LGBTQ+ community. Whether you've been marching on this path for years, or you're a newbie finding your stride, here's a handy Pride Month calendar 2023 of 32 things you can do to show your support.

  1. Know the Pride Month 2023 Theme: As an ally, it's important to understand the theme and message for the year. Every Pride Month comes with a unique theme that addresses specific issues or commemorates significant milestones. Keep yourself updated.
  2. Educate Yourself: Start with understanding what each letter in the LGBTQ+ acronym stands for. Knowledge is power, and it's the first step in becoming an effective ally.
  3. Share Accurate Information: Share factual information about LGBTQ+ rights, history, and the Pride Month 2023 theme. Misinformation can be harmful, and as an ally, you have the responsibility to counteract it.
  4. Support LGBTQ+ Businesses: Look for LGBTQ-owned businesses you can support this month, and beyond. Your spending power can make a real difference.
  5. Use Correct Pronouns: Respect everyone's identities and make sure to use the correct pronouns. If you're unsure, just ask.
  6. Volunteer at Pride Events: Join the fun and be part of the 2023 Pride Month celebrations. You can volunteer at events, parades, and festivals in your area.
  7. Donate to LGBTQ+ Organizations: There are numerous LGBTQ+ charities working tirelessly to make the world a safer, more inclusive place. Your donation can help them achieve this.
  8. Participate in Online Pride Events: Check out the World Pride Month 2023 schedule for virtual events. It's a great way to celebrate if you can't attend in person.
  9. Display Pride Symbols: Show your support publicly. Use rainbow-themed accessories or display Pride flags to express your allyship.
  10. Host a Pride Party: Organize a Pride Month celebration with friends and family. Encourage conversations and discussions about LGBTQ+ issues.
  11. Raise Your Voice: Use your platforms to voice your support for the community. Share your learnings, experiences, and thoughts about the LGBTQ+ Month 2023.
  12. Create Safe Spaces: Make sure your environment, be it home or work, is safe, inclusive, and respectful to all, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
  13. Read LGBTQ+ Literature: Pick up a book written by an LGBTQ+ author or featuring LGBTQ+ characters. It's a great way to understand different perspectives.
  14. Avoid Stereotypes: Remember, everyone's experiences are unique. Avoid making assumptions based on stereotypes.
  15. Celebrate All Days of Pride: Pride Month is a whole month, not just a day. Each day represents a unique aspect of the community, so celebrate all Pride Month days 2023.
  16. Follow LGBTQ+ Influencers: Diversify your social media feed. Follow LGBTQ+ activists, influencers, and public figures to stay informed and inspired.
  17. Promote LGBTQ+ Art: Appreciate and promote LGBTQ+ art, movies, and music. Art is a beautiful medium to express and understand diverse experiences.
  18. Acknowledge LGBTQ+ History: Take time to learn about the brave individuals and significant events that paved the way for LGBTQ+ rights.
  19. Respect Everyone's Journey: Everyone's journey to understanding their own identity is personal. Be respectful and supportive.
  20. Support LGBTQ+ Youth: Many organizations focus on supporting LGBTQ+ youth who might be struggling. Lend your support in any way you can.
  21. Wear Pride Colors: Show your support by incorporating pride colors into your wardrobe during Pride Month and beyond.
  22. Sign Petitions for LGBTQ+ Rights: Your signature matters. Sign petitions that promote equality and rights for the LGBTQ+ community.
  23. Have Open Conversations: Talk openly about LGBTQ+ rights and issues. Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to do the same.
  24. Acknowledge Intersectionality: Understand that individuals can have multiple intersecting identities that impact their experience of being LGBTQ+.
  25. Join Local LGBTQ+ Groups: Stay connected with your local LGBTQ+ community. They might need volunteers, donations, or simply your presence at events.
  26. Applaud LGBTQ+ Achievements: Publicly acknowledge and appreciate the achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals in various fields.
  27. Challenge Homophobic or Transphobic Comments: If you come across any prejudiced comments or behavior, don't stay silent. Stand up against it.
  28. Support Trans Rights: Trans rights are human rights. Show your support and take part in activities that amplify trans voices.
  29. Encourage Inclusion in Workplaces: Advocate for workplace policies that are inclusive and supportive of LGBTQ+ employees.
  30. Teach Children About Diversity: It's never too early to learn about diversity and acceptance. Encourage open and age-appropriate conversations with children.
  31. Participate in International Pride Month 2023: If your country celebrates International Pride Month 2023, get involved. Show your global support for the LGBTQ+ community.
  32. Keep Learning Post Pride Month: Allyship doesn't stop when June ends. Keep educating yourself, advocating for rights, and showing your support throughout the year.

There you have it, folks - a loaded calendar of 32 meaningful ways to participate in Pride Month 2023, celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, and be a better ally. Let's remember, it's not about grand gestures, but small, consistent actions that make us stronger allies. Let's make this LGBTQ+ Month 2023 one for the books!

Pride MonthCommunityAdvocacy

About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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