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Love in Unexpected Places

A Story About Best Friends Finding Their Soulmates Where They Least Expected It

By EYHCSPublished 10 months ago 16 min read
Love in Unexpected Places
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Love in Unexpected Places

Sometimes you miss what's in front of you because fear and silence rule the heart to remain blind. What happens when against all odds, two souls push through the fog to see each other for who they are to one another.

This is a story about best friends who spent most of their life secretly in love with each other. Then, unexpectedly one of them sees her best friend on a popular social media dating app. With the secret out in the open, Chanel shoots her shot. What happens next takes them both by surprise. Join me for what happens when we finally speak our truth.

By Felipe Bustillo on Unsplash

Chanel had been single for over ten years, and at this point, she was starting to wonder if she would ever find someone to spend her golden years with. After her failed relationship of 15 years, she had been determined never to fall into the trap of settling for the first option, no matter how much she longed for a real connection. She had learned her value and knew whoever came next would add to and not deplete her life force.

She had a few friends she could hang out with, but she never saw them as endgame potential. Each one was either straight or just not into her and to be honest. She felt the same way about most of them. So, for that reason, she looked at her phone and said a silent prayer. She was not lonely, but she was tired of being alone.

After much internal debate, she had finally decided to join Plenty of Fish, a dating app her best friend Kim had suggested. So far, every date has been a pass instead of play. She was about ready to call it quits when her phone pinged, indicating she had a match.


Chanel sat at the window contemplating life. She was exhausted from the day. Another date went wrong. Was this life now, she thought aloud as air escaped her lips. Unaware of the turmoil above, the people below walked gleefully in the streets. They appeared happy. Were they? Or, were they like her, going through the motions to get through the day?

Breaking away from the thought, she picked her phone up and looked at it as if it was a monster determined to ruin her dating life. Here we go again. She told her companion, a yellow tabby she had rescued from the SPCA six months prior. Sunshine purred for attention, and without little thought, she rubbed her ears before gently stroking her back. That was all it took, and Sunshine stretched and laid at her feet.

Looking down, she hit the icon, and POF popped up on her screen. The minefield of faces looked at her with promises and trepidation. Swiping left on the first five photos, Chanel sighed. Then the next photo popped up. She stood in shock. She knew this face. Her heart caught up in her chest.

Reading the name several times as if it would change, she looked at the match score, 100%. This could not be. She put her phone down. Not wanting to disturb Sunshine, she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and images flowed through her mind. It was Kim. Kim and her together in the park. Kim and her together at the Lauryn Hill concert in Vancouver. Kim and her in this very apartment. Kim had never mentioned she was into women, so Chanel sat dumbfounded. She thought she had stopped breathing for just a moment when the doorbell rang. Startled, Chanel gently separated herself from Sunshine and went to the door.

Peeping out of the peephole, she stopped cold. Licking her lips, she tried her best to steady herself. They did not have plans tonight. And her thoughts went back to her phone before grabbing the door. "One second," she said, between the only barrier between her and destiny. Chanel thought she said a prayer, and she was not deeply religious. Then she opened Pandora's Box.

By Daniel Lee on Unsplash

Kim stood before the threshold in green yoga pants and a matching t-shirt holding a pizza box. Chanel paused, looking quizzical. Did we have plans today, she asked. Kim looked at her, unaware of the storm brewing in her mind and, more importantly, her heart.

"No, but I was in the area and hoped you were home to share this pie with me," said Kim.

"Oh, how nice. I just finished lunch, but a pizza slice can always tempt me, " said Chanel, still holding her breath. Chanel stretched out her arms, holding the door open, indicating access had been granted.

"What can I get you to drink," said Chanel as she closed the door. Water is fine, said Kim.

Chanel grabbed the drinks from the refrigerator and walked to the table where Kim had settled. She sat the pizza-shaped plates down and grabbed a slice of the meat lover's pizza. It was Chanel's favorite.

Grabbing a plate and napkin, Kim asked Chanel what Chanel had been up to. It was Saturday, and Kim knew Chanel never worked on weekends. She had hoped she was available for more reasons than one, but after her morning, she needed the comfort of Chanel's humor and engaging conversation. The date had been horrible, and the worst part was the woman's lack of decorum. Not to mention her conversation was borderline elementary and focused only on herself. Turning from her thoughts, she looked at Chanel and smiled.

"Not much," said Chanel. I have been watching people after my morning workout and deciding how to spend the rest of the day. "You?" said Chanel.

"Well, I just finished a lunch date, and it was disastrous. "I needed a pick-me-up, and you were the first person to come to mind.," said Kim with a quirky smile. The rest is her story, emphasizing her as she sat back against the back of the chair.

Do tell, said Chanel, all ears. She needed a distraction from her internal thoughts after seeing her best friend's profile pop up on her phone as a 100% match and was unsure how to handle it. She quickly changed the subject, "so what was so wrong with the date?" said Chanel. They had both been in search of a real connection for some time. But neither had ever looked at the other as an option, well, at least until Kim's face popped up on her phone. Now, Chanel needed more time to process what that meant.

Kim let out a loud sigh and rolled her eyes. "Where do I start," she said. "Do we begin with the lack of etiquette? They ate with their hands, and it was pasta!" Kim said with a sharp tone. Then when it came time to pay, their card was declined. "We had to wait for them to call their bank and get it removed.", said Kim.

Chanel almost choked. "They?" Chanel said softly, with the intended question floating in the air. Kim knew it was coming, she had been prepared for it, but that hadn't made this moment any easier. She had come out pansexual six months prior and had yet to share that with anyone outside the handful of people she had dated from POF.

She steadied herself. Put the pizza down and said yes. I have been debating how to tell you, but I think I am pansexual. Kim continued, so I decided to open up my profile to all genders, including non-binary and other people, to see if I could find a real connection regardless of sexuality.

Chanel looked at her with the most sincere expression. "I am glad you told me. Do you want to talk about the revelation?". Chanel asked gently.

"Nope, I'm good", said Kim. "So, what happened next", asked Chanel

"After that, she asked when we could see each other again. I had to be honest and politely indicate that this was our only date. Before making a beeline to our Tony's Pizza.," said Kim

Chanel laughed out loud and patted Kim's hand before letting her know she was glad for the company.

With that, Kim felt the weight lift from her chest, and her and Chanel picked up the plates and walked into the kitchen.

The Internally Struggle

The two of them talked for several hours as they sat on her balcony, watching the Saturday night crowd fill the streets before she asked Kim if she had any other prospects. Kim said she did not know, but would check her app tomorrow to see if anything promising was there.

By Walter Randlehoff on Unsplash

Chanel inhaled and thought back to the hot coal on her phone. Then she changed the subject. So are we staying in or going out, Chanel said. It was now dinner time, and she needed to get out of her head. The more she and Kim talked, the more she realized how much she had missed. Kim had been there for her through most of her highs and lows. They had met in high school and have been inseparable ever since. Kim had a way about her that caused everyone to gravitate to her. Her personality was upbeat and alluring. But there was another side to Kim. Most people have yet to see that side. It was a side Kim never showed Chanel, but Chanel knew it because the hidden side mirrored Chanel's hidden side.

So now, as they sat side by side, she could not help but wonder why she had never flipped the switch from friend to lover. The thought terrified her. There were very few things she found terrifying, but taking that next step and having Kim reject her would devastate her, and Chanel wasn't sure she would recover.

"Let's go out," said Kim breaking Chanel's internal struggle.

Sure, where are we going? said Chanel.

"How about Charlie's? said Kim. It was their favorite bar. Four bars in one, and each lesbian theme bar offered something different. Grunge. Country. Hip Hop. And Alternative.

"Sold said", Kim and they grabbed their purses, making a beeline for the door. The automatic feeder dropped food as Kim bent down to rub Sunshine. And, with that, they were off.

The evening they had was just what the doctor ordered. Chanel had won the first 4 of 5 pool games while Kim had gotten her back with 3 for 3 at darts. They danced, laughed, and even met another group of women who joined them in the fun. When the lights came up, everyone said their goodbyes, and Kim walked Chanel back to her apartment before getting in her car and heading home with a promise to text once she had made it safe.

Shoot Your Shot

Now, back home, a little drunk Chanel sat on her couch, drawn back to her phone. She was torn. Should she shoot her shot? Was Kim even interested in her? She had never really revealed any interest in her before. So was this stirring in her belly worth the loss of the one faithful friend she had in her life? Complicating the issue was the fact that Kim was more than any friend. She was family. Kim had been her number one from the instant they met. If this failed, she ran the risk of losing both her friend and sister. Rubbing her fingers through her hair, she looked out into space.

Picking up her phone, she swiped right on the photo on her screen. It was a two-sided dagger. One side was the greatest love she would ever know, and the other was an abyss she might never recover from if things went sideways. She wondered out loud if she had made a mistake. Dusking the remnants of the night from her blue jeans, she put the phone on the ledge and stood up to stretch her tight muscles, beginning with her shoulder and ending with her legs.

Chanel spent the rest of the weekend with her family. It had been a tradition since she was a small child, and it brought comfort from the challenges of the outside world. The work week went by without disruptions, and Chanel was ready for the weekend. She had been holding her breath and checking her POF app on the hour, every hour for days now, and nothing. She and Kim talked several times during the week, but neither mentioned her swiping right. Kim did not seem to have gotten the notification, and Chanel was too afraid to bring it up. Without thought, she grabbed a Honey Crisp from the fridge, turned on Stopify, and decided to dance it out.

Let's Chat

By Christina @ on Unsplash

"Ping!" came from her phone, and she stopped. Looking at her phone as if it was Chucky, she grabbed it and saw she had a match. Holding her breath, she checked her profile and almost dropped her phone. It was Kim. There was also a note. Trembling, she pressed the bold notification and read.

Hey there, I have seen you before. I would love to learn more about you and what makes you tick. If you feel like I feel, drop me a line, and let's make a connection for the ages. (End message).

Chanel looked at the phone and laughed. Was Kim playing coy? She had seen this side of her, but it had never been directed at her. Hmm, she thought, then she hit reply.

For the ages, you say. Hmm, is that a line to tell all the girls? Either way, I like your style. What would you like to know? I'm excited to see if your words meet your actions. (Chanel hit send)

Immediately, the reply came.

"I promise you that is not a line I have ever used on anyone before you. Your picture inspired me to speak a truth I could never reveal. So yes, I'm serious, and I would like to know the secret side of Chanel. I've seen the other side, but if we pull back those layers, I'd like to see if we can find a place of unity in this dystopic world we find ourselves within. (Kim hit send)

Chanel looked at the message and laughed with anticipation and joy. Dropping all pretense, she let her truth flow,

"I have known you for 33 years. I have been in love with you for 32 and a half of those years. You were the first person I came out to, and it devastated me when I felt you pull away from me. But you never left my side in times of need. You were there when my father died and understood; I just needed someone by my side, never saying anything stupid to console me, just being present. When I needed you to pick me up, you were there, and I never told you how important those spur-of-the-moment outings were. They helped me survive many things, including losing my 15-year relationship and many jobs. So yes, I'm serious. Let's make the next 33 years a fusion realizing possibilities. The only question I ask is your place or mine? (Chanel placed two hearts connecting and pressed send)

It felt like ages, to the point Chanel thought she had said too much. Had she scared Kim with her forthcoming confession?

(Ping) Chanel picked up her phone and gasped.

Open the door with two champagne glasses touching.

Chanel gulped and stared at the phone for a minute. Then came the doorbell. Trembling, Chanel stood and walked to the door. This was it. This was the make-or-break moment. What happened next would forever change the dynamics of their relationship. Without further thought, she opened the door.

Time to Learn Who We Are

Kim and Chanel lay in Chanel's king-size platform bed. They hadn't had sex, but had caressed each other tenderly throughout the night. It was close to 6:00 am on Saturday. Kim had told Chanel how much she had always wanted to tell Kim how she felt. Still, Chanel had always been attracted to women who looked nothing like Kim, making Kim opt for silent and personal torture with each new relationship Chanel found herself having. But Chanel decided to shoot her shot when she appeared as a perfect match on POF.

By We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

Chanel brushed the hair from Kim's face as Kim lay in her arms. Chanel had explained her choice of women had not been due to a lack of attraction towards Kim but a concerted action of others. Every woman in Chanel's past had made the first move, except for the nightmares on POF. So, when the prospect of her best friend's harboring feelings for her came into view, she was floored and excited at the same time. Her heart leaped. She wanted to take it slow, but everything in her knew she was never letting Kim go now or ever.

Kim looked at her and said, but you always choose someone over me. It wasn't judgmental, just the way she saw it.

Look at Harriet, you two were together for 15 years, and even though she was abusive, you stayed. Chanel knew she was right, but what she never shared with Kim was she stayed because she was afraid of being alone and didn't want to end up alone. Back then, Harriet, as abusive as she was, was better than coming home to an empty bed. Well, at least for the first seven or eight years. After that, Chanel did her best to maintain a very unhealthy situation. But loyalty kept her there until Harriet said they were finished making Chanel the happiest woman alive.

Chanel moved back to her current personal paradise. First, let's get something straight. I love everything about you. From your midnight skin tone to the iris eyes, you shred me. Then your intellectual prowess carries you to new levels in your personal and professional career. You have made a name for yourself as one of the country's leading real estate developers, and no one can hold you back. You managed to overcome so much grace and style. You were never a second choice because I never knew you were a choice. Chanel pulled Kim up and grabbed her face gently before giving her a deep kiss that sent shock waves through them both.

When it was over, they stared into each other's eyes and spoke in unison, "We've been crazy.

They spent the night in each other's arms, discussing what they had never shared. Their true fears. Their secret dreams. And, most notably, their plans for a joint future.


Chanel opened the blinds to their high-rise penthouse in the inner city. Chanel had just finished decorating the living room in sharp black and silver colors with blue and gray accents. Chanel headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast before the big event. As she entered the kitchen, she heard Kim gets out of the shower. Then she listened to the walk-in closet door open. It was closing day.

Chanel entered the kitchen and poured them a cup of Chai tea from Beijing they'd picked up on their last trip East. She placed a flower petal in each mug and carefully walked them to the breakfast nook, where croissants and jams were set next to a few scones.

By Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Kim emerged from the bedroom wearing her earth-tone orange business suit. It was fitting, and Chanel thought she felt drool escape her lips. They had been partners for 14 years, and Chanel still felt like a schoolgirl whenever Kim entered the room. It did not matter what kind of day Chanel had; the sight of Kim improved the world.

She thought back to the first time they had confessed their feelings. She had wanted her then, but she had wanted to make sure this relationship was nothing like any of her previous relationships. They had abstained from sex for several months, but that didn't stop the nightly massages and cuddling to learn about each other's bodies and souls. Then one day, Kim caressed her a little too tenderly, and she came. That was it. From then on, the lovemaking was as intense as the emotional connection. She had taken Chanel there on the couch and again in the bedroom. With the scent still in the air, she had thought back over all the years they had hidden their genuine feeling for each other. Not anymore. Now, they ran the most extensive real estate empire in the world, and in just a few hours, they would close the deal to buy Hilton/Marriot. A deal that would set their family up for generations. She smiled and sipped her tea.

Kim bent down and gave her a soft and tender kiss before taking her seat and grabbing a scone. So are you ready, Mrs. Hutchinson? They married in Paris 5 years ago, and she loved calling Chanel by their married name, Mrs. Hutchinson. It reminded her of the hurdles they had crossed to reach this point, making her heart swell with love. Kim had been her best friend and knew her better than Chanel knew herself. But she had never thought this would be their life. Now, They had figured out a way to shed the fear and reach unconditional love. Kim was her soul mate, and she loved having someone to walk this world with as they conquered the demons of their minds in a society still struggling to understand love is simply love.

Kim had drifted into that place she went some time and grabbed Chanel hand, "Baby, let it go. You did this. You created a space for us both to live out our truth. No one can take that away. Enjoy this delicious breakfast and let's go take over the world", she smiled and let go of Kim's hand.

At that moment, the doorbell rang, and Chanel got up. Kim looked surprised. They were not expecting anyone. With a devious smile, Chanel jumped up and sprinted to the door. Peeping through the door, she unlocked the door, and Chanel, with a knowing smile, turned the knob.

Kim's mouth dropped, and her two daughters, Renee and Sharee, stood in the hallway. They have been out of the country for the last two years, each building their empire and taking over the photography and the insurance industry by storm. Kim jumped up as she ran towards them, "what are you doing here" she said. Both looked at Chanel and pointed at Momma C. They all hugged.

Chanel let the three catch up, grabbed the leather briefcase, and walked to the door with her keys. They exited the building, and the car was waiting to take them to the lawyer's office to close the deal. As they stepped inside, Chanel froze. There sat her baby, Neo. He was her nephew, but still her baby as she had raised him since he was nine. He was 34 and now living in Africa as a real estate developer.

Kim looked at Chanel with a sheepish grin and said two could play this game. And, with that, the car door closed, and the family drove away from the high-rise.

Chanel could not help but think how she had been so afraid to reply to Kim's POF message. Then she pulled the trigger with the icebreaker; the rest was their-story.

By Omar Lopez on Unsplash


About the Creator


Poet by birth. Writer by craft. Artist by nature. I write poems, prose, short stories, fiction, and realism works of art dissecting the human condition and the resilience of the human mind. Many of my pieces are metaphoric stanzas.

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