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"50 Years In Jail For Gays" In Kenya They Hate Gays, Girls & Women!

Religion and culture, ignores girls and women in Kenya apparently!

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Collage Created By the Author ©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

By: TB Obwoge

NAIROBI- Kenya, I can't remember the year, I do however remember that I was not having sex with my husband. He whom had known I was living in the country, was with wife number 2, or was she number 3? Maybe perhaps I wasn't even wife number 1, who knows.

The joke of marriage in Kenya is likened to a horror show or better yet a comedy due to that beloved word, "culture" Africans beat like a drum.

There is an area in Kenya that also spills over into Tanzania where a tribe of women marry other women. Kenyan & Tanzanians, swear by God that these are not marriages of sexual relationships. Even though the first article I had ever read about this tribe, the woman explained how she wanted her wife to look, especially in the buttocks area.

Any way, I needed to find a gynecologist, I already had a medical doctor After doing diligent research I found not only a doctor but he was also a professor. When I arrived they wasted no time ushering me into his office, I had no idea that his fancy office, was also the examination room.

A room missing one thing, another person, a female nurse to witness the examination. That day I learned something about Kenya, there are no laws regulating medical practices which would require a woman to be in the room while a male GYN examines a woman.

But I digress, I often get off on another road when Africa is involved.

Women, girls, you know girls are children? Do you care about them, like really care about them? I'm promoting a campaign on social media using the hashtag #GirlsAreChildren as #BoysAreChildren. It's about ending child marriage and child labour.

People need to first change their vocabulary when it comes to addressing grown men and women, as girls and boys. Especially in countries that are big on "culture" and respecting elders, in English, what happens?

One thing that's hard to miss though, is the glaring ignorance to the death, rape, sexual assaults in these countries decrying homosexuality. This isn't a pro-homosexuality position but those who are hell bent on slaughtering anyone who god forbid has a different lifestyle and sexuality than they have.

In Kenya there has been a longstanding issue with gender-based violence and growing cases of femicide. Nations Africa media even wrote a passionate article asking why they government wasn't addressing the rising cases. There has also been a rash of Kenyan university students murdered by the hands of their lovers or other men.

Girl defiled, murdered in bizarre incident in Kasarani

Police are looking for a middle-aged man suspected to have defiled a nine-year-old girl before killing her in Kasarani, Nairobi.

The deceased was last seen entering a building under construction in Kasarani in the company of a man on Monday, police said.

Later the man came from the building looking suspicious and ran away, prompting the residents to visit the building where they found the body. Detectives visited the scene and found the girl, half-naked, lying with her head covered with bricks.

A witness told police she could identify the man physically. The motive of the incident is yet to be known.

The body was moved to the City Mortuary awaiting postmortem and identification. Police said they are making good progress in searching for the suspect who is at large following the April 24 incident.

Police in Kisasi in Kitui also on Sunday arrested two men aged 23 and 18 for defiling a Grade 7 pupil at Kiangwa Primary School.The girl had been reported missing for almost a week. The matter is pending before court

Source: The Star

Incidents of rape, defilement, femicide and murder suicides are being ignored by all government officials. It's almost as if the devouted Christian President William Ruto doesn't care about women and girls. Just heterosexual, wealthy men.

There are heartbreaking photos and videos in Kenya of mother's and father's crying over photos of their late children. There are women beaten, raped, beheaded, dumped into pit latrines (toilets), poisoned, many types of torture and violence befall girls and women in Kenya.

While the fight against homosexuals rages on. This is much of the same in countries like Uganda, Ghana, Burundi and Tanzania.

Not to mention the brutality taking place in The Gambia, against women's vaginas.

The government just continues lip service, like the Tweet below, however there needs to be action. In order to make sure the investors continue to flood into Kenya, they are trying to appear to have a public face of law & order.

However when is there going to be action against the men who are causing the worst forms of harm on women and girls?

Thank you for reading 🙏🏽 Please consider buying a coffee for Lacey's House efforts in Gender Equality & Children's Rights as it tries to move international.

©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved


About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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  • C.S LEWIS8 months ago

    I just finished reading a wonderful story and I can't help but appreciate it. The characters were so well-developed and the plot kept me on the edge of my seat. The author has a real talent for storytelling and I'm looking forward to reading more of their work. It's amazing how a good story can transport you to another world and make you feel emotions you never knew existed. I'm grateful for this experience and can't wait to share it with can read mine too

  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Discrimination is wrong! Great work! 😇

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