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How Psychedelics changed my life. And how it may be able to change yours too?

Why I highly recommend you try them at least once in your life?

By thewellnessxploraPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How Psychedelics changed my life. And how it may be able to change yours too?
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

A couple of years ago, I was so depressed I had ZERO energy, will, or desire for living.

To make matters worse, I was in the middle of an existential crisis that lasted for some years, where I questioned everything about life, existence, the universe, and if I had any purpose in it, at all.

As far as I was concerned, I just showed up on this planet, and now I was forced to do this thing called life, which to be honest, I wasn’t so sure that I was truly interested in partaking in.

It meant that — if I was going to continue living, I was going to have to find some meaning.

My search for meaning inevitably evolved into a spiritual journey.

I sought answers for the meaning of life in anything I could find.

At first, it was mainly in books.

I rummaged through lots and lots of books: religious books, ancient sacred texts, new age spirituality books, metaphysics books, western, and eastern philosophical books.

I became so entrenched in my personal research, I enrolled myself in a Seminary for two years, just to contemplate and investigate these existential questions, which were plaguing me, non-stop.

What happened?

I came across ideas and philosophies which were so comforting, I adopted them as my own, and as truth.

Then one day, it dawned on me that, all I was doing was simply regurgitating other people’s work, thoughts, ideas, and philosophies.

Sure, I was well-read now.

And It seemed I had amassed an impressive amount of knowledge!

The only problem was — it didn't feel like it was mine.

Because they didn't come naturally from within me.

They weren't my own realizations.

They didn't emanate from within.

All the knowledge I had acquired were simply other people’s ideas, mental ruminations, and personal philosophies, I had just adopted as mine.

Once again, I had crafted a new and improved monumental belief system, and my introspection was threatening to take out again.

I had successfully rid myself of religion and replaced it with new towering belief systems.

I’ll be honest enough to admit that — I don't know if human beings can ever completely do without belief systems.

All I know is — I have a knack for always brutally confronting mine and attempting to dismantle them for some reason.

It seems to be a key part of my personal evolution.

Always killing my old self and ideas, and in order to birth myself anew.

I decided it was time to stop reading so much, and instead, open myself up to new “experiences”.

I decided it was time to search for answers in new ways.

No more knowledge from books.

It was time to begin seeking knowledge and wisdom from within my experiences too.

I decided that — instead of searching for “God”, and answers to existential questions, I was going to experience “God/ The Divine Power/The All/The Universe.”

Ambitious, huh?

My expanded worldview and perspective on the Universe from reading books on spirituality, and a wide variety of related subjects, had opened my mind to the possibility of experiencing ‘God/Creative Force’ and the world, in new ways.

I had read Ram Dass’s book Be here now, where he shared his story of experimenting with Pyschadelics on his own spiritual journey and getting fired from Harvard University for running experiments on them.

I rationalized that — if it was okay for scientists with Ph.D.’s like Ram Dass to experiment with, then it sure was safe enough for me to do so too.

After all, many ancient cultures around the world include them in their psychic healing rituals and protocols.

Even Steve Jobs experimented with them in his youth and went on to build a successful company, like Apple.

If all these people experimented with them and confessed to their life-changing and healing properties, it was good enough for me to try it too.

I was desperate for answers, after all!

My first psychedelic was a Pcylocibin Mushroom.

What are Pyschadelics?

According to the alcohol and drug foundation —

Psychedelics (also known as hallucinogens) are a class of psychoactive substances that produce changes in perception, mood and cognitive processes.

Psychedelics basically alter the state of your consciousness.

There are so many different types of psychedelics in the world. Some are artificially and chemically formulated in Labs, such as LSD. While others are naturally occurring in some trees, fungi, seeds, and vines.

To date, I’ve experimented with, LSD, Pyslocibin Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, and Peyote. Most of them, under guidance from professional Shamans/Co-journeyers.

I seriously don’t suggest treating psychedelics, especially, the naturally occurring ones, as recreational drugs.

They are not meant to be used for recreational purposes, but for deeper purposes, such as spiritual inquiry, and healing work.

The effects of abusing them could be consequential.

Don’t say I didn't warn you.

How have Psychedelics changed my life?

It shattered my world, by expanding my consciousness on the spectrum and scope of what we call reality. The truth is some of us need a good shake-up of reality, every now and then, because of how stuck and fixated we are on what we think ‘reality’ is, and what it is supposed to encompass.

It revealed the quality, power, and capability of my consciousness. It showed me that it was possible for our human consciousness to travel. Not theoretically, but physically.

It provided depth into my human experience, which I’m not as connected to, in my everyday life. Like how all my senses are connected. That it is possible for our senses to become so heightened, and interconnected, that it becomes possible to taste color, and smell taste.

It showed me that I was part of something/connected to this grander and Cosmic Universe. Something way BIGGER than my tiny self! With psychedelics such as psilocybin mushrooms, it is possible to feel a connection with every single living thing within the Universe, every tree, plant, insect, and human being. You begin to “innerstand” that you are part of, the All, and the All is a part of you.

You feel so connected to your environment that you no longer know where your consciousness begins or ends.

Sacred Plant Medicines like Ayahuasca have helped me to purge deeply buried emotions, trauma, and energy stored within me, since childhood. Vomiting, crying, and wailing, are all examples of ways in which you may find yourself releasing this unlocked trauma from within your body, while on psychedelics.

It is believed that Pcylocibin mushrooms have the ability to re-wire your entire DNA.

Sometimes, it even felt like I died and came back, as I watched my ego completely dissolve into nothingness. Leaving only the real me, that was connected to every single thing, including the very fiber of the universe.

I experienced heightened states of bliss. And felt my life force physically animating my body like, never before!

In conclusion

Psychedelics are very, very POWERFUL.

They not only hold the power to alter your mind. But hold the power to alter your entire life.

They can re-route your entire life’s journey, by exposing you to depths of your being you didn't even know existed.

It is believed that Pyschadelics have been made illegal by the ‘Powers that be’ because of their ability to help resolve mental health and psychiatric issues in our society. For which big pharma companies may suffer irrelevancy and massive losses in profits, from the redundancy of most Psychiatric medication.

These psychedelics, which are often powerful and ancient plants, have the power to reveal to you aspects of yourself you need to work on. Bring you peace from realizations about existence. And even help you purge negative and stagnant mental and emotional energies.

They are wonderful helpers for expanding consciousness and enhancing spiritual journeys. But can also become very dangerous once they are abused.

My advice to you: Explore with Caution.


About the Creator


Multi-faceted freelance writer, seeker & explorer. I blog about travel, the digital nomad and ex-pat lifestyle, personal development, entrepreneurship & spirituality.

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