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Aside from CBD what other cannabinoids are in Hemp Oil?

We discuss the full spectrum of cannabinoids in Hemp Oil

By All Round CBD Published 3 years ago 3 min read

CBD is the most well known cannabinoid

CBD as a cannabinoid derived from whole Hemp plant is by far the most well known component of the Hemp industry. Also known as cannabidiol Hemp farmers reap the stalks, leaves and roots of Hemp plants specifically rich in CBD. Yielding this type of plant meets the demand of consumers who are most familiar with this particular cannabinoid.

However when creating a Hemp Oil brand thats in demand one must branch out to include other valuable components of the Hemp plant. Therefore avoiding breeding out large amounts of these cannabinoids is essential and is the first step to creating whats called: Full Spectrum Hemp Oil.

Enter CBDa, CBG, CBGa and CBC

The presence of these other cannibinoids is key to the entourage effect. This effect describes the actions of cannabinoids in Hemp binding to cannabinoid receptors. When this occurs the full spectrum of cannabinoids in the oil will support your receptors to maintain your body's jobs better.

However this benefit of Hemp Oil only occurs in full force with the entry of all cannabinoids in Hemp plant.

Don't forget THC

THC is a largely misunderstood cannabinoid in Hemp Oil due to the misrepresentation of THC as a drug of choice. Whilst it is true that THC in high amounts can cause recreational effects all Hemp Oil on the market will not exceed 0.3% THC.

This is a totally non psychoactive amount. Therefore the little THC you ingest through Hemp Oil is akin to the natural THC in your body already! Yes THC and other cannabinoids already exist in your natural EndoCannabinoid system. Therefore taking Hemp Oil just adds to the natural cannabinoids found in the body's inate reserves.

Explaining THCv

When looking through the lab reports of popular Hemp Oil brands you will see that there's likely an indication of THCv as a cannabinoid.

This complimentary cannabinoid comes hand in hand with THC. Much like CBDa, CBG, CBGa and CBC that accompany CBD.

THCv is a substrata of THC that further urges your cannabinoid receptors to maintain your body functioning normally.

Only buy Hemp Oil from trusted lab tested sources

Being aware of the above cannabinoids and the legal threshholds of THC in the global market can help you buy CBD Oil from the most reliable sources.

Making sure you are actually getting Full Spectrum Hemp Oil is assured by the presence of these cannabinoids in black and white. For instance if you take a look at our lab reports you will see % breakdowns of all the cannabinoids in different CBD products we offer.

Whoever you choose as your Hemp Oil provider looking at these will help you know what you're ingesting too. Not only that but attaining lab reports is rather expensive. Subsequently buying CBD Oil from a company providing them is indicative of not cutting corners in the manufacturing process.

Crazy claims are unrealistic claims

In the Hemp industry companies claiming therapeutic effects such as products curing a disease, illness or ailment are blacklisted, especially in Europe.

Look out for unrealsitic claims that state all people will have "xyz" as an effect when taking Hemp Oil.

The truth is we all have unique needs and issues. The supportive benefits you feel will be isolated to you only. Take note of that and please make sure not to believe what a company states CBD will "cure".

About us

At All Round CBD we make it a mission to firstly make clear all misconceptions in the Hemp market. By writing articles and guides about CBD we look to attain the goal of fluid, transparent information in the industry. Only after that do we feel comfortable to offer the world 100% lab tested Hemp Oil supplements that do what they say on the label.

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About the Creator

All Round CBD

All Round CBD is a supplier of Full Spectrum Hemp Oil. We offer lab tested CBD products and have a passion for organic ingredients. This lead us to innovate our Turmeric infused CBD, a powerful mix of two ancient substances for your health.

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