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You Are My Moon

Bright Night Glow

By C.M. WeaverPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

Shine bright my moon

Rest my dreary eyes, we will meet again soon.

Some nights you disappear to nothing but black.

I fear not, I know you’ll be back.

The tides wait for you to push them and pull

But I wait for you as the air gets cool.

In the darkness out comes your light

No more fears for me, you conquer my fright.

I stand and bask in how close you are

Only to realize the distance is far.

With a thought and some practice I start a great plan

One to get you into my hands.

I make a lasso to wrap around you tight

I tug and I pull until something isn’t right.

I drug you from your home way up high

Now there is nothing in the great sky.

My selfishness of wanting you all to my own

Took away your presence from all who were shown.

I loosen my grip

Away you slip

Back to the sky

Only God knows why.

Over the horizon away you will go

I watch as you fade into the sun’s orange glow.

I lay in the damp grass filled with sorrow

My eyes open wide as I remember, I’ll see you tomorrow.

I Sleep during the day

Wishing all my precious hours away.

I lust for your wonder, beauty, and might

I can’t wait to see you tonight is the night.

I pack up my things and stow them away

Carpe diem, seize the day.

I wait for the circle of light up above

I’m coming to you, the one that I love.

With all my of my strength and one big jump

I land on your surface with a big thump.

I smile and laugh that was so much fun

Here with you I know you’re the one.

Looking back at earth I have no regrets.

My fortune was won, no need for bets.

Forever we float up in space

I’m where I belong right here in this place.

Here on this ball in the sky

I’m perfectly content with just you and I.

Days filled with wishes from those below

Our happiness together is making them so.

Our time spent never seems to end

The sun in the distance is our best friend.

We spin the whole earth just once a day

But I am only human my life is what I will pay.

My hours become fewer as we keep spinning.

As I take my last breath I do so grinning.

My soul leaps up out and into your core

We are now one, and together, we are more.

No longer tired, hungry, or sick

I’m so glad you were the one I did pick.

The shadows we cast on earth's great surface

Make me feel whole, my existence now has purpose.

Together we inspire hope

To those down below, who once would just mope.

Our story is one that only we know

Together we shine our bright night glow.


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