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Write to those who are not destined to be together

The love that cannot be obtained

By Sheryl E DavisPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

The term "meet but hate" has two meanings. The first is that it's like meeting someone at first sight, and it's regrettable that we didn't meet earlier. The second is that it refers specifically to meeting someone outside of marriage who has a heartbeat and hates that they didn't meet when they were unmarried.

The first level of meeting each other can make a sincere friendship. The second layer of the meeting is not handled properly, that is, the abyss.

The first thing you need to do is to get to know each other, either late or early.

The meeting is destiny, no matter how early or late. However, too early or too late, are not a good fate and is destined to become regrettable.

The two people are not mature enough to know how to love, to cherish, plus many practical problems between each other, and the end is most likely to break up.

The two of them have another person beside each other, even if the true feelings, but also can not do regardless, after all, the price is too big, can not afford to lose, the end is naturally each to their own, do not bother each other.

The reason is that if you meet too early, at least you have the opportunity to fight together, even if you don't end up together, there is still a good memory left in your heart.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you want to do.

Some people ask: how should people who meet too late and love each other deeply but are not destined to together do?

In my opinion, the best way to meet two people who hate each other is not more than two.

01. back to the second best, only to be a confidant, not to say, love

The reason why they hate each other is that two people are very close as if they have known each other for a long time, somehow feel close, the feeling of seeing each other, for anyone has a huge attraction, it is difficult not to have a different kind of affection.

It is said that loneliness is the norm in life, and many people say they have long been used to it and even like it. But in fact, no one likes loneliness, just that they have not met someone who understands them and has to adapt to loneliness.

If one day, you suddenly meet someone who understands you and knows you, you will be very happy.

If you meet someone at the right time, you can consider it a good fate. If you meet too late, you will inevitably get stuck in a quagmire, and the kind of helplessness that comes from not being qualified to take a step forward and not being able to take a step back, people who have experienced it all understand.

The wrong time to meet the right person, want to put, want to forget, how should we do?

I think the best approach is to retreat to the second best, only to do confidence, not to say, love. Keep not far from the distance, each other to guard, each other warm. In this way, it is also considered to be "not negative as not negative".

The opposite sex confidant is the most difficult to grasp in all relationships. The two people need to be rational enough, have enough self-discipline, and cut off all delusions, otherwise, it is easy to break through the bottom line, and fall into the mundane, and the relationship has become less pure and beautiful.

But if you can grasp it, become a true confidant, from then on the soul to accompany each other, comfort each other, is great happiness.

02. wielding a sword to cut the love, completely break the connection, do not bother each other

People's self-control varies, so the same hate each other, but the way to deal with it can not be generalized.

If you are a rational person with strong self-control, you can be a confidant with the person you "hate to meet".

If you are a very emotional person, do not grasp the proportion, it is best to wield a sword to cut the love, and the "meet late" people completely disconnected, from then on their peace, do not bother each other.

Whether you meet early or meet late, where the heart, the love, can not easily be put down, it is impossible to say forget on forget. But there are people, even if the love is deeper, but also destined to no results, who let you have between the fate of it.

There are gains and losses in life, the fish and the bear's paw cannot be both. People who want everything, in the end, often get nothing. Therefore, people should not be too greedy, both want stability and passion. To meet their desires, desperate, the result can only be to play with fire and burn themselves.

There was a reader, male, married, but fell in love with his female boss. The female boss, of course, also has a family, but they work because, get together a lot of time, inevitably a good feeling. Their relationship is becoming more and more ambiguous, but also more and more tangled, a step further is the abyss of ten thousand fathoms, and a step back and feel resentful.

After some painful struggle, he chose to resign and delete her contact information, to cut off his thoughts and not let himself fall deeper and deeper.

The sword wielded to cut the love, seemingly desperate but too deep love, difficult to control themselves, to use the most decisive way to force themselves to put down.

Whether the disconnection can be put down, is another story, at least to preserve the family, but also not hurt anyone.

The two of them are a great test of humanity. As for what should be done, it needs to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

I admire those who have strong self-control and can become confidantes with those who "hate each other", neither hurting others nor condemning themselves.

Of course, I also admire those who make a decisive choice, rather than leave regrets, rather than hurt anyone. Although they have weak self-control, it is difficult to grasp the right balance, and can not be in a delicate relationship, they have a strong sense of morality, and consider the consequences of doing things, the goodness of their bones.

Life is never absolutely complete, there will always be many regrets, that a lifetime can not make up. Meeting late is just one of the many regrets. If you have the misfortune to meet me, I hope you know how to weigh the pros and cons and make the most beneficial choice for yourself, while not hurting anyone.

In this way, you will be a truly mature, wise, and high-character person.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Sheryl E Davis

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