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When Heritage Meets Style

The Luo Community in Kenya

By Judith OkechPublished 10 months ago 1 min read

In Kenya's heart, where waters gleam,

The Luo community, like a dream,

A blend of culture and grace,

In their vibrant land, they find their place.

By Lake Victoria's tranquil shore,

They dance and sing, forevermore,

A history rich, traditions they keep,

In the heart of Kenya, where memories seep.

From Jaramogi to Raila's stride,

In politics, their voices collide,

With laughter and wit, they take the stage,

In Kenya's story, they're a colorful page.

Nurtured by Nyasaye's embrace,

Guided by ancestral trace,

Luo spirits strong, in unity,

Their faith, a beacon for all to see.

Professors, scholars, wisdom they sow,

In universities, their knowledge flows,

Their eloquence, a melody so sweet,

In the fuse of learning, they take their seat.

Stylish and bold, they stand so tall,

Flashing cars, a testament to all,

Yet humble hearts beat deep within,

In their pursuits, a fire akin.

Greatest fishermen, by the lake so wide,

Their nets weave tales, a heartfelt guide,

Their fish, the sweetest, flavors divine,

In their community's heart, they forever shine.

So here's to the Luo, a vibrant thread,

In Kenya's fabric, widely spread,

A community strong, their stories told,

In Kenya's embrace, a treasure to hold.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Judith Okech

An entrepreneur who values time and spends any extra time writing and reading. Humane and minds people's feelings.

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