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What's the Point of Fearing Death

Think about what steals your breath

By simplicityPublished about a year ago 1 min read

What's the point of fearing death

When Life's the one that steals your breath

Takes children's souls

As time rolls on

Cajoling all to buy in

Win your version of happy home

the struggles real, but not alone

Its just about your mental zone

What's the point of fearing death

When life's the one that steals your breath

Takes hunched backed elders

To memories of youth for shelter

Helpers to a life well lived

Given all rewards of work

Everything's a recipe, not just used to cook

Took a leaf out of others books, but to prove its not mistook

What's the point of fearing death

When life's the one that steals your breath

Takes your breath

Leaves the rest

Theft of outward beauty

Replaced with inwards sense of duty

To say in the end, life knew me

Only on occasion, it threw me

What's the point of fearing death

When life's the one that steals your breath

social commentarysurreal poetry

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