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We Walk Together

A Healing Walk With The Ancestors

By Priestess GanesaPublished 3 months ago 2 min read

We walked down to the beach, my soul sister and I, and went our separate ways. I walked towards the water. Once I reached the shore, I realized just how low the tide was. I was so excited. The lower the tide, the better the shells! But as I walked, I forgot to look for shells. I just couldn’t stop looking at the sky. The sun was such a bright orange-red. I could almost see the flames dancing in the sky. And the colors…I had never seen such gorgeous or vibrant pastel colors.

The beauty took my breath away!

At that moment, I set my intention for the walk. I was going on a walking meditation to commune with my ancestors, and as I walked I heard their voices. They were speaking to me but I couldn’t understand them over the sound of the waves. So I looked down at the sand as I continued to walk, hoping it would help me focus. Maybe I would be able to better hear and understand what the ancestors were telling me. But the sand below my feet was just as beautiful, and breathtaking as the sky above me. The tide was almost as low as it gets, and the colors and patterns in the wet sand made me feel like I was on a magnificent alien planet where the colors and shapes in the sky are mirrored on the sand below.

I was walking on the most stunning, delicately colored, shimmering crystals, so soft and supportive in their firmness and bewitching endlessly glimmering patterns of waves. I could feel the amazing, clean, revitalizing, and healing energy of the ocean crashing inside of me like the waves. As I continued to walk, mesmerized by the lure of the sand, I saw the colors change.

The pastel pinks, purples, blues, yellows, and oranges combined to transform into the most spectacular deep yet translucent red, like blood mixed with tears had washed up on the shore from the depths of the ocean. I looked up into the sky and the sun was a magnificent red, spreading its color and light over me, over all of us. And when I looked out into the ocean, into the water, I saw an intense crimson mixing with the waves.

At that moment I heard the voices of my ancestors again, wailing, and I knew. I knew that we were connected through the blood of the ancestors, their tears, and the tears of those they left behind. I heard the wails as I stared at the sand that I walked on. And I understood...my ancestors, your ancestors, our ancestors. And I smiled...no more need for tears.

I smiled as my heart filled with gratitude. Gratitude for this life, for these blessings, for these opportunities, for this growth. Gratitude for the sacrifices the ancestors made for me, for you, for all of us.

So I sit in gratitude. For that in and of itself, I am imbued with even more gratitude. I overflow with gratitude as I let go of any fear, anger, resentment, and everything negative that doesn't suit me. I watch the ocean waves as they take all of those unwanted energies farther and farther away from me. I am grateful to fill my heart with gratitude, replacing everything I just released.

Then I hear laughter, the ancestors’ laughter. They laugh with joy as I continue to be filled...filled with gratitude for them and gratitude for life itself.


social commentaryProsenature poetryinspirationalGratitude

About the Creator

Priestess Ganesa

Artist, ordained minister, wellness empowerer and supporter. Plant based holistic services, resources, education, and reiki charged art.

Because we’re all connected, part of the same whole, I help others maintain the energy that connects us.

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Comments (1)

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  • Andrea Corwin 3 months ago

    Wow, this is so amazing. You were one with the universe, a blessing for sure, from the beauty of the world, mixed with memories and voices of your ancestors!

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