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We Are Survivors Poem

Mother and Daughter Survivors of Abuse

By Jessica DumasPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
On the left is my daughter Lorissa (49) and myself (70) taken recently. On the right is of us taken on her 36th birthday.

In my 70 years, I have learned how to survive

So many trials and tribulations that I’ve had to fight

Starting with losing a big brother that drowned from a dive

Into a murky ice-cold pond that was hidden from his sight

It caused my mom deep depression not wanting to be alive

Somehow it affected my speech from 2 years old as it might

Special school lessons didn’t help me want to talk or hear a lie

The only one to understand was my other bro who also had a plight

I survived but was always shy taken advantage of by a neighbor guy

At 11 it was traumatic but I trusted no one to tell and cried all night

I survived by getting involved with my faith, volunteering to strive

To do my best to graduate school so I could go on to a school of flight

How I wanted to fly airplanes high above and be like the butterflies

At 17 I met a handsome guy who swept me off my feet like a brave knight

It was unbelievable how smitten he was lending me his car to drive

To get my driver’s license and within weeks giving me gifts so alright

After graduation he pushed me to get a better job so off I went to apply

He would borrow money and not repay saying we will be getting tight

As soon as we marry as I jumped for joy and by age 19 I was his wife

Months later his best friend died and he struck out at me in a fight

He began to get drunk and belittle me no matter how I would strive

When I got pregnant his joy made it seem that things would get bright

I didn’t realize his happiness was due to now having a new pawn arrive

We moved to the country near my mom and dad so happy to their delight

While pregnant he chased me in the snow barefoot laughing at my cries

When she was 3, he took us miles away from family and things were such a plight

Little did I know he was turning into a narcissistic sociopath by twenty-five

I refused to be a statistic by the hands of a killer posing as an angel of light

For 8 years I was under his power but survived by escaping, no more a slave

I was saved by a friend who taught me to fly as he put me on a pedestal of true incite

My friend and him butted heads when he tried to get me back using a butcher knife

I survived with bruises, broken ribs and 22 stitches but then he kidnapped our little tike

For months I didn’t know if she was alive but it worked out once he found another wife

My new husband and I had two boys to join my girl without fear of abuse that connives

30 years together until he had a stroke and I nursed him before his death came in spite

I survived thanks to friends and family to search for new adventures as I began to revive

A year later breast cancer struck and to survive, I had to have radiation and give it a fight

I’ve survived still having feelings of PTSD and other disorders since the winter of 75

My daughter has had it worse since her father did to her the unthinkable--what a fright

The circle of abuse continued as she had 3 abusive partners while using drugs to survive

Losing her 4 babies caused by deep depression and addiction to benzos wasn’t right

But she survived by becoming as tough as nails and two girls have learned to forgive

After over 40 years, we fight health issues caused by continuous cruel abusive trite

She has given up addictions taking her power back to use to care for my health plight

As survivors, we educate women in abuse awareness & how to escape the abusive.

Dedicated to my daughter. If you appreciate this poem about a true story please leave a tip.

By Jessica Dumas


About the Creator

Jessica Dumas

My passion is writing! I am a freelance writer that specializes in books, product reviews, articles, blogs, content, and poetry. My other passion is butterflies as you will see in much of my work. See more details at www.jessicajdumas.com.

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