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Wanton Entanglement

By Tezozomoc

By Mr TezozomocPublished 4 years ago 2 min read

Wanton Entanglement

Where did we get that (equation) from? Nowhere. It is not possible to derive it from anything you know. It came out of the mind of Schrödinger. — Richard Feynman

Let us consider the

reckless disregard for wanton

physical phenomenon

that occurs when

agents or groups

are generated, interact,

or share spatial proximity

in a way that groups can’t

be described independently

of the state of the “other”;

including when these

groups are separated by large distances.


is at the heart

of the disparity between

the classes;

classical / historical /

or essentialist entanglement

is the primary feature of


of one class at the expense

of the “other”.

The full spectrum

measurement of physical properties;

intersectional positionality,

trans-social mobility

across economic classes;

the index of refracted polarized melanin;

in some cases this entanglement

is homogenous and other times

is heterogenous and anarchic;

generating socio-symbolic


In some cases entangled groups

harmonize in a zero sum game;

other times; entangled groups

may generate seemingly paradoxical effects;

the claimant property of a group

results in an irreversible collapse

of the “other” group;

changing its perceived

social intersectional positionality;

ipso facto; such a measurement

will change the entanglement

of the whole social order.

You see the full-spectrum

measured behavior

on March 13th, at 12:40 AM

the wrong coordinates were hit

and the entangled subject had

been in custody.

You see the mal-measurement

which included a picture of the

door, the birth date, and the SSN;

as targeted by Louisville police

on the notion that entangled

parties had exchanged packages

at said address.

You see the coordinates

were clearly assigned

so, don’t believe the entangled

discourse that they were there

by mistake.

Attorneys alleged that police

converged on Glover's house on Elliott Avenue

around midnight — well before police entered

wanton entanglement.

Glover's arrest citation lists

the time of his offense at 12:40 a.m.,

the same time the other search warrant

was executed.

But Glover’s arrest

was listed at 2:43 a.m. March 13th,

more than two hours later.

Einstein and others considered

such behavior to be impossible,

as it violated the local realism

view of causality

(Einstein referring to it as

"spooky action at a distance")

and argued that the accepted

formulation of justice must therefore be incomplete.

By Tezozomoc

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Mr Tezozomoc

Tezozomoc is a Los Angeles Chicano Poet and 2009 Oscar Nominated Activist and has been published by Floricanto Press, “Gashes!: Poems and Pain from the halls of injustice”, a collection of poetry, ISBN-13: 978-1951088040, 9/2019.

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