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is your soul sewn or knitted? neither? both?

By ayamePublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 1 min read
Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

once untied from the stories that wove me

have i become a pile of string

a sweater unraveled


do trees also ask themselves to grow?

is it self-awareness that pushes them

teaches them to yearn for sunlight


around the corner from a childhood home

there was a woman who harvested amethyst

carefully placed on the windowsills

adorning the walls up and up

floor to low ceiling


peeking through purple shards

watch through glass

the green grass dancing


can i be unwound? am i unwound?

where do i begin and end

whined, unwind



windowsill window wind

a gust of wind with each inhale

knocked off balance each exhale



i keep smudging my titles

am i moving forward too quickly?

should i let the ink dry first

i can’t wait anymore


pages covered in smeared sentences

much preferred

over-emptiness is nauseating


i wonder what pópo thinks

of the hello kitty sewing machine

sitting on a desk in ma’s room


fingertips fragile and fierce

flinchless despite needles

poking and prodding

are you proud of me, pópo?


there’s an image of me hanging

in mama’s house

a square of white silk

black embroidery floss shaping the contours of my face


in the midst of eight ancestors


squares of white silk

black embroidery floss shaping their faces

hanging somewhere somehow


i heard i’m right in the center of everyone


embraced on all sides

wind chimes blasting ancestral laughter

traveling through best friend ears

to reach me


teach me the difference

between untying knots and breaking curses

i do both barehanded

is it proper procedure?


i have been

suturing wounds with tearstained whispers

concocting homemade ointment [ingredients; stomach acid, spare sorry’s, sea salt, and safflower]


axe in hand, splitting open locked chests

cabinets closed far too long


scatter on impact


all that is left is bones

and me



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surreal poetry

About the Creator


23, born and raised in the sf bay area.

dragon enthusiast, cloud-watcher, avid reader, and eager knowledge-absorber.

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