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Unforeseen Loss

Remembering a Beloved Brother's Tragic Fate

By Deborah Rivera ValentinPublished 6 months ago 1 min read

In the shadows of the day's fading light,

Amidst laughter and smiles, the day was so bright,

I carried on, clueless, without indication,

Little did I know what was destined to happen.

The morning dawned, promising and honest,

Not a whisper of worry, not a hint of despair.

I thought he was safe, but behind bars, he wasn't,

Destiny weaves tales, plans yet unmade.

Hours unfolded, the sun painted the sky,

Not a ripple of sorrow, not a quake nearby.

His children, innocent and free,

Love adorned his wife, his family, and his family tree.

I laughed and smiled, in the day's sweet grace,

Not knowing the cruel fate about to embrace.

The world spun on, a fantasy so pure,

Little did I know what my heart was to endure.

As the evening descended,

A knock on the door pierced the room.

Tears streamed down, the news too cold,

My brother, their love, now a treasure.

A stranger stole his life in an instant,

His laughter silenced his smile ends.

His children are innocent; their world is now ripped,

His wife was a beacon in the storm's scorn.

His parents weep, a father's moan,

His mother's eternal grief is unknown.

His siblings shattered; their hearts ached, curious,

A void in their lives permanently, furious

In the cradle of night, a tragedy profound,

A brother lost, in silence, resound.

From joy to despair, in the blink of an eye,

A life destroyed, leaving loved ones to cry.

His spirit lives on in memories illustrated,

In tales untold, in moments lamented.

In the hearts he touched, in love's embrace,

In a bond unbroken, in eternal grace.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Deborah Rivera Valentin

33, a boy mom with Puerto Rican roots in Massachusetts. Words? My refuge. Life's storms—from childhood days surrounded by struggle—drugs, alcohol, and abuse—I've fought for my place. In the pages of a notebook, I found my sanctuary. 📖✨

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Comments (1)

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran6 months ago

    Gosh this was so heartbreaking. Such a poignant and emotional poem.

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