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Unbroken Bonds

A Symphony of Family Love

By BuzuPublished 5 months ago 1 min read
Unbroken Bonds
Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

In the garden of life where moments bloom,

A tapestry of love, forever in tune.

"Unbroken Bonds," our cherished refrain,

A symphony of family, a lifelong gain.

Rooted in heartbeats, each note sincere,

A melody of laughter, wiping every tear.

Through seasons we dance, hand in hand,

In this love-filled sanctuary, forever we stand.

From sunrise whispers to moonlit skies,

Our story unfolds, a treasure that lies.

In the warmth of embraces, secrets unfold,

A family love story, forever retold.

Through storms that may come, we stand strong,

Unbroken bonds, where we all belong.

With branches of kinship, a tree so grand,

Our love, an anthem, echoing across the land.

Children's laughter, a delightful sound,

In this family symphony, joy is found.

Through trials and triumphs, we persevere,

With "Unbroken Bonds," there's nothing to fear.

In every heartbeat, a promise unspoken,

A love so deep, never to be broken.

Together we weather life's ebb and flow,

In this family love, our spirits aglow.

So, let this poem be a testament true,

To the love that binds us, me and you.

"Unbroken Bonds," our eternal song,

In this family tapestry, we all belong.


About the Creator


Verses sculpted from the heart, I'm a poet navigating emotions with ink-stained fingertips. Crafting tales that dance between reality and dreams, my words paint a symphony of feelings in the canvas of life. 📜✨ #PoetLife #Wordsmith

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