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Twice Is Not as Nice

Dreaming of Zac Efron

By Raine NealPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Twice Is Not as Nice
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Myself and Zac Efron,

stuck in an evil guise

This kind of dream has happened,

not only once but twice

Though this one was different

and very much a nightmare

It starts with an apartment

I'm not sure how I got there

A woman who takes adults

and creates of them "babies"

whom she nurses and cares for

before going crazy

She slaughters her "children",

all those but one

For she has a soft spot

for, of course, Zac Efron

A feature worth noting,

a marvel at that,

is that this killer

was blind as a bat

I convinced Zac to escape

with me out the window,

from the second-story apartment

he had once called his home.

He was actually raised by her,

truly kidnapped as a baby,

so he couldn't help but feel guilty

but he knew he had to leave the lady

As I snuck around her mess

in a noisy windbreaker

I knew the time to run

was sooner, not later

She told sweet Zac

that she heard him speak

to someone else in the room

whom she would soon seek

Her breath breezed my skin

as she searched for me

I froze in place

not daring to breathe

As she moved away

I stayed silent

but when she grabbed Zac in anger

I became violent

Throwing her off of him

I stood my ground

Zac pulled me to the window

and we jumped all the way down

Taking a single moment

to catch our breath

we rushed to my car

to evade our death

But the other tenants,

they must have been in on it, too

because as I tried to reverse

they followed suit

A car sped toward us

on Zac's side

I slammed on the gas

as Zac and I both cried

I thought it was over

but not quite yet

Zac and I had to pass

one final test

I careened and I braked

and I hit a few cars

but we managed to leave

with very few scars

The police found the complex

filled with the dead

but no one to arrest

for they had all fled

This particular dream of being kidnapped,

featuring both Zac and I,

is oddly not the only one,

but that's a story for another time...

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About the Creator

Raine Neal

Just trying to make it through the days - writing is a great way to stay distracted and refreshed.

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