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Thresholds of Destiny

Embracing Uncertainty, Discovering Personal Clarity

By HenryPublished 11 months ago 2 min read
Thresholds of Destiny
Photo by Melanie Wasser on Unsplash

Upon this stage, where dreams converge,

I stand, a graduate on the verge.

The corridors of learning, left behind,

Now I face a daunting, uncertain find.

With cap and gown, I bid farewell,

To hallowed halls where knowledge dwelled.

Yet as I step into the great unknown,

Anxiety grips, uncertainty has grown.

A path once clear, now shrouded in mist,

Ambition flickers, doubts persist.

For what lies beyond these familiar walls?

A world of choices, echoing calls.

The compass of my heart spins wild,

Seeking direction, like an adventurous child.

Passions tug, with whispers and sighs,

But clarity eludes, as time swiftly flies.

Shall I chase the stars, beyond the skies,

Unleashing creativity that within me lies?

Or perhaps a healer's touch, a gentle grace,

To mend the wounds of the human race?

An entrepreneur's spirit, to build and create,

Innovations that reshape our future's fate?

Or a teacher's embrace, nurturing young minds,

Guiding them through the maze that life often blinds?

Oh, the weight of the choices I must make,

A daunting decision, a future at stake.

Yet amidst the uncertainty, a truth takes hold,

That the journey itself, is a story yet untold.

For in this nexus of possibility and doubt,

I'll explore, I'll stumble, I'll figure it out.

The unknown may intimidate, but it's also the key,

To unlocking a destiny that's meant just for me.

So I'll embrace this liminal space with zest,

With open arms, I'll put my fears to rest.

For in the face of the future's vast expanse,

I'll trust my heart's compass, take a chance.

For even if the path ahead remains unclear,

I'll navigate with courage, banishing the fear.

And as I embark on life's grandest quest,

I'll find my purpose, in due time, I'll attest.

For this graduation, though it marks an end,

Unveils a beginning, a future to transcend.

And though uncertainty may linger like a haze,

I'll forge my own path, in these uncertain days.

performance poetrysocial commentaryinspirational

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