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The Summer Vacation

And the memories I had from beginning till the end.

By Emiki VeePublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Will forever keep an open mind.

What was I expecting on this summer vacation?

Luxuries by the pool and seafood that matched the price of the finest wine.

Instead, I was in full rejection, seeing the destination of the location.

No pleasantries, I felt like a fool looking at this little bridge to the cabin filled vines.

Ungrateful, for I wanted the beaches and a lemonade in my hand.

I had no signal to use my phone or internet, what could I possibly do?

How wrong I was to think such things, for this vacation was actually going to become a dreamland.

The symbol of life was around me, getting to feel the fresh breeze, provided by the summers winds, tall trees, along the Mountain View’s.

Hiking the tallest trails on a beautiful sunny day.

Visiting the tourist temples of the Aztecs, wearing sunglasses at the souvenir shop.

Swinging near breath taking waterfall to have a nice little get away.

Eating food that brought the family together to watch the warm sunset on the hilltop.

This was not the summer vacation I expected.

It was more, and beyond perfection.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Emiki Vee

I always wanted write but never had the courage to post anything, but I want to try and give it my best! I would love to become a writer one day.

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