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The Querent

Old Barn

By Bonnie MishaPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read
post apocalyptic

So why are barns significant?

They’re not

But you always mention them

It’s your mind that always goes there

So it’s my significance?


Can you help me understand that?

Possibly, depends on your level of reveal

What I’m willing to know about myself?

No, what you’re willing to do about it


I am willing, so can you send me there?

Send yourself

I can’t

You’re co-dependent

No, you’re superior

So go blame yourself

I don’t know why I do this work


So is this your job?

No it’s yours


So can you help me or not?


Depends on what?

If you can see colours?

Only a few, the rest are just grey tones

Go into your mind and find colour

That’s a long way back

Go there

So will muddy browns do?

It’s your mind

I’ll dig deeper

Ok, so now flowers


What’s near these flowers?

An old barn


So I did it again

Go deeper into the flowers

You mean in like a microscope?


I see dark and shade. What now?

Go deeper

So now it’s liquid

Go deeper

I see tiny moving things

Go deeper

Plasma I think


I see strings of energy codes


I see nothing

What do you feel?


What colour are the pulses?

Green, blue, yellow

So now merge with the pulsed colours

What do you see?

An old barn


So was I supposed to see a barn?

You’re not meant to anything

Ok then I don’t

What next?

Choose your loop

Seems like a waste of time

It’s your time

Do you care what I choose?


Do you want another querent?


So you’d give up on me?

Very likely

Are you planning this now?


Am I still finding colours?


So barn or flowers?


I’m in the barn, red and murky browns

Go deeper inside the colours

What do you see?

Dark and shade

What are you feeling?


You are not in the now

Of course not, you told me to go into my mind

That’s where the now iS

You want me to remember. That’s not the now

Yes it is

You bring memory into the now


Ok, I’m seeing colours

Go deeper

I can’t


I’m back at the barn

Doesn’t really matter, it’s sameness

I don’t understand


Are you going to leave me at the barn?

Are you looking for colours?

Inside or outside?

It’s your mind trip

I’m inside, old reds

Go deeper

Light and shade

Go deeper

Same small particles


Strings of energy codes

Seeing any patterns?


Feeling anything?

Yes Déjà vu and some pulses

Any colours with the pulses?

Yes, green, blue and yellow

Now merge with the pulsed colours

What do you see?

The same barn


But I want to move past the barn thing

You’re in existential crisis

Stop dramatising my vicious cycles

Stop staying in them

Ok so now I’m merged and totally one with all my pulsed colours

I don’t see that


Ok so I lied

No you cheated yourself

So I blew it


I made progress?

Not really, you discovered your barn

But I don’t want that stupid barn

Well it wants you

So is it haunting me?

Wrong concept


Walk into the barn


Walk right into the barn

Without opening the doors?


Ok so I’m in

Go deeper

Into which corner?

Whatever appears

What do you see?

Dark and shade


Small particles


Energy codes, pulses and colours

Now merge with them all

I don’t think I’ll come back

Maybe not

I can’t stop

I know

performance poetry

About the Creator

Bonnie Misha

children’s author/designer - books, games, toys


little aussie battler series

children’s fantasy - faerie & elementals series

animation - bicky and boo - series

historic manuscripts - WW2 - s w pacific command

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