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The Missing Book of The Law

The good thanks of Knowledge and Wisdom 1 & 2 from The Order of The Golden Serpent.

By Geizael, The Great Wicked DestroyerPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

I wear wisdom and knowledge around thy neck like a crown of thorns.

It is to protect me and give me understanding beyond my days.

The secrets of ancients are gifted unto me from the God that breathed life into the nostrils of man, and it is my duty to seek after it to become as wise as the serpent of ages.

I shall seek discipline in my studies.

I will bring about great change for myself and humanity through such a blessing that was given unto Solomon.

It is my inheritance to receive what is and was hidden from man.

I shall grasp ahold of it and never let it go.

It is the equivalence of generational offspring.

From generation to generation I shall pass on these teachings that have been ordained for thy congregation.

It is the sword that cuts down all confusion and deceiving lies placed upon the earth.

It is a pleasant and succulent fruit that keeps thy spirit full. It is an immense balance of thy mind and soul.

Gift unto me this precious Gold of the fruit that is held within your garden.

May the infinite wisdom of The Serpent that is encrusted in Gold be placed within me and upon me.

May it cause my mind to transcend this world and the great delusion placed upon it.

For such a blessing makes me a God amongst men.

- The Golden Serpents prayer of wisdom Ch.1

The Good thanks of knowledge and wisdom Ch. 2

In my younger days I knew not what I know now.

It has brought me great correction and understanding in the error of my ways.

A blinding light that pierces the veil placed over thy eyes.

The never-ending truth that cannot be falsified or altered.

A protection from those who wish to lead me astray from what is absolute in true balance

An everlasting gift from the Divinity that extends from each corner of the earth and the cosmos.

To reject it makes me like fools that mock the power it holds.

To reject it brings me enslavement of the mind.

It is as sweet as paradise and as nourishing as milk and honey.

Without it I know nothing, and with it, I receive the keys to hidden doors of the mind.

Because of it I am granted access to the chambers of secrets located in Heaven, Hell, and the Earth.

It is the renewal of the mind.

Reincarnation to a new me it brings.

The Golden Serpent and the good thanks of knowledge and wisdom. Ch.2


About the Creator

Geizael, The Great Wicked Destroyer

Poetry & creative writing based on having an unbiased perspective of perspectives. Spiritual Theories and Transformation of one's own consciousness.

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