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The Immortal Echo of Words

Verses that Transform the World

By Saa CrackPublished 9 months ago 1 min read

In the vast loom of existence we weave,

Words, subtle threads, compose our being,

With the power of a verse, a story or a prayer,

We give life to dreams, we give voice to passion.

Words, jewels that in the mind shine,

On the soul's canvas, like colors intertwine,

They weave eternal stories, of love and pain,

Echoes that cross centuries, like an ancient rumor.

In the embrace of a poem, the world comes alive,

Each syllable is a heartbeat, each verse a wound,

That leads the reader on a journey without end,

To unknown places, to the corner of feeling.

Words that caress like a soft caress,

Or that wound like a dagger in search of justice,

The power of words, double-edged on the tongue,

Forge destinies and stir the tangle.

With the echo of a speech, a leader rises high,

Inspiring multitudes, marking a new deal,

Words can unite or divide nations,

They are swords and shields, seeds and songs.

The poet, alchemist of the soul, transforms pain,

Into verses that heal, into rhymes that give warmth,

His words are beacons in the darkest night,

Guiding the lost navigator to his fortune.

In the corner of a diary, a secret is kept,

In a lover's verse, a heart is kept,

Words are witnesses of the lives we live,

Of the dreams we pursue, Of the loves we lose.

And when silence comes, at the end of the road,

The words we leave behind are the legacy of the divine,

An inheritance of wisdom, of passion and of art,

That lasts in time, like a flame that burns.

So take care of the words that flow from your lips,

For in the fabric of the world, their effects are insinuated,

The power of words, immense and without measure,

Can change destiny, can ignite life.

(Image made by AI).

social commentaryinspirational

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