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The Feed

Inundated, anxious and dazed.

By Jacqueline DeWittPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
The mixed messages we find in a single scroll through social media are overwhelming

Be kind.

Be kind and do yoga and eat healthy and namaste and breathe and sweat everyday.

Take it easy and relax and get some sun and smile, but work and grind and hustle and girl boss and go, go, go until you fall asleep.

But also be totally apathetic. Make light of literal alcoholism. Depression is a meme made for enjoying.

Enjoy yourself and feel the grass between your toes and remember that your body is a temple. Treat it with love.

Hedonism though. Do whatever brings you pleasure and who cares what others think of you?

Fuck everyone because what you think of yourself is what's most important, but don't forget to empathize.

Don't forget to support people and don't think about your own existence too much.

Stop overthinking it!

The world has gone to shit, but save the planet and every living thing on it.

If it makes you happy then go for it, but don't be selfish and try to take a walk in other people's shoes as often as you can.

You're beautiful the way you are. You're fabulous. You're sexy!

You're a literal sock and look like a dumpster and it's so funny to joke about. Putting yourself down is the new self-love.

Brag about yourself because there's nothing wrong with it. Don't be stuck up though and make sure to be self-effacing. It's charming!

Being skinny is overrated.

Being skinny is still literally everything.

Big girls are beautiful and embrace your body for exactly what it is, but count your calories and get rid of that cellulite with these three easy steps!

Your life is actually perfect as it is, but also clothes, cars, money, houses, vacations, laughing with friends and obscure inside joke captions that make you feel like your life isn't a real life.

Be mysterious and keep em' guessing, but throw yourself at men and do what you want with your body because no one should judge you.

Pursue the life you desire, but make sure to be married with kids if you want to be treated as a normal individual.

Men are pigs with no feelings.

Men shouldn't be shamed for showing emotion.

Nothing gets the ladies going like a funny guy with a great personality, but be six feet tall or go home.

You need nothing but what's inside of you.

You need everything.

Buy things! Minimalism.

Party and do drugs and live a little! Staying in with a good book is everything, isn't it?

Go for it! Work it! Napping is my career.

Let go of everything.

Find yourself.


About the Creator

Jacqueline DeWitt

I am a 28 year old with a degree in English from UofT. I am passionate about communication and the arts.

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