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The Fallen Giants

Oh My Country

By Harydo NeonPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

Hands in pocket as I walk down the street of withered leaves

As a dark cloud hovers round the dome of a nation

A nation which once did pride itself of a rich history

A nation popular for the colour of the flag

A nation giant enough to birth multiple cultures

Looking up ahead at a billboard say " The giants have fallen"

And I thought "it didn't take a David to sling the stone"

What happened to the proud mother?

Are we just going to ignore all the mayhems?

Oh maybe it is karma taking the wheels

Or just the soul of the dead which went dead for political uprising

Fighting in a vengeful sort to rain havoc with a lightening of chaos

Oh Nigeria. Oh Nigeria, what is going on?

Payment for those who put a dead man to sit on the royal throne

Hatred for he who bears the same name as David's best friend

But the citizens chose the living representation on cancer rack head

Let's take politics to court, shall we?

Chain him and declare him guilty of all charges

Because he gave birth to the political party that rhymes with ABC

But the citizen chose the living representation on cancer

An emotionless man whose ear harken not to the cry of the people

Shhh, we are to blame, cause his ears lacks its drum

The giant fell when we decided not to learn from history

The giant fell when we disturbed the military devil

With the number of lives lost and those in doubt

One can't help but wonder what is life really about

You may say he isn't responsible

But wildfire doesn't just burn the tree which begat it

Oh 2019 needs no fortune teller

Just a P plus a V and a C and we can fight out this cancer

To put this black smoke to rest

But i can't help but wonder, who is fit to sit on that chair?

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Harydo Neon

I drain my thoughts through my pen. That's the only way I breathe.

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