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The Enemy's Whispers

Who is speaking to you? A Poem by Krystena Lee

By Krystena LeePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Pablo Guerrero on Unsplash

The enemy wants to whisper in my ear

sometimes I let him. Sometimes I steer clear.


Other times he catches me off guard and tells me his voice is mine.

he says my thoughts are his.


The times I have believed him

led to confusion, chaos, anger and darkness.


The enemy is whispering in your ear.

Can you hear?


He says if it's bad it doesn't matter.

Perceptions of right and wrong are immaterial, topics of much conjecture,

totally subjective.


Just do what you feel.

That's what's really real.


He says no one loves you.

You're unlovable didn't you know?


If people knew who you really were lying and cheating,

skirting, and preening, jealous, and scheming

hatefully dreaming

of the day someone dear will fall

so that you may rise they'd all leave you.

None would grieve you


And there you'd sit if it weren't for me.


He says there is no God;

so fill your life with hedonistic pleasures of every sort.


Hand craft your own personal paradise here while you can

In this house on shifting sand.


Fill it with every kind of shiny manmade battery powered fool thing.

Harvest from the heart of the earth every gem

and rare metal so you can adorn yourself and your throne and your palace with them.



You are after all a star. Travesty no one has noticed.


You know what's right for you and it's all yours for the taking and what isn't should be.

No God or gods can stand between you and what you deserve so take it


every last bit.

it doesn't even matter how you get it,

so long as you do.


You believe him once, twice maybe a million times;

but woe to the one that believes him every time.


While God our Heavenly Father in a low voice, quiet and still, says most assuredly don't believe the lie.

Don't lay down and die.


I have chosen for you life

and you may have it to the full.

I have given you every gift

should you choose not to play the fool.


Take these gifts and see

that which is edifying to you comes from me.

these perversions that you seek,

are the very things which make you weak.


A life of joy overflowing with love and unquantifiable peace.

this is what awaits you when you choose to walk with me.


Lay down your haughty pride,

if you wish to be my bride.


Put on the garment of humility,

this is what it takes to be with me.


Today you must die to self. I present you with the opportunity once more.

Turn away from those temptations that leave you broken and weary. Forget your lusty thoughts, lay down your heavy burdens,

End your trivial pursuits, they always leave you hurting.


You are always hungry no matter how much you eat.

You are always seeking and can never rest your feet.


Your body looks alive but inside you are rotting.

Your fingers touch but cannot feel.

Do you want to know the truth? What can help you heal?

Can you ever be full? What was designed to fill that hollow place?

Whenever I tell you, you spit in my face.


But I love you more than many sparrows.

My heart longs for you more than you know.


So I'll tell you again and again and again.

I'll tell you every day until you meet your end.


I am the answer. In me you'll never fail.

I am the answer there is no one like me on earth, in heaven, or hell.


There is no void I cannot fill no crevasse I cannot close.

And I have always been with you, closer to you than your own nose.


No matter what transient thing the enemy whispers for you to pursue,

I am a permanent fixture and I'm here for you.


You were made for love but not of fickle things.

You were made by and for the love of the Creator of all beings.


It is my desire that you should live with me,

in a paradise of MY making for all eternity.

Alas the choice is yours, I'll never force you that isn't my way.

but proceed with caution this could be your last day.


Ah yes, while the enemy is whispering in our ears

Father God is waiting, that couldn't be more clear.

He's waiting and watching to see what we will do

day after day until our days are through.

Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Krystena Lee

Krystena Lee is a freelance writer & author of the Memory Verse Kids™ books & Ears to Hear, a paranormal fiction novel. Her articles & fiction pull back the curtain on the unseen & make the unknowable known.


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    Krystena LeeWritten by Krystena Lee

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