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The End

See the Writing on the Wall

By Arthur WaltonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

You can feel it coming, hovering over you like an impending storm, just a sense of Doom; It is like a darkness that just wraps itself around you and then engulfs the entire room.

Although you know it is on it's way it still tends to catch you off guard; Perhaps it's just your pride, playing games with your mind as if a deck of poker cards.

Don't even know where to begin to try to bring you quickly up to speed; Seems to just be one of those times where no one wants to be in control with the lead.

But where would the lead take you when it is all said and done; Now this is when the whole situation becomes convoluted, murky, and more talk than action.

Let's start with the reason this set of circumstances have even came into our realm of existence; On through an unfortunate series of events led to the loosening up on the resistance.

Go back a little in time to a simple lapse in judgement that was once put in motion; Couldn't be stopped, slowed down, or from that day eversed instead of at least full board like a locomotion.

Maybe not the first thing that transpired but a lasting image seared in to the depths of the brain; Was acting like a zombie, as in brainless, or like I was straight up clinically insane.

Had a meeting at 8am at the elementary school that I had to take my girl to for one of our two boys; But being like a mindless robot I chose to take a shot with me as if anywhere Ior anytim I could partake and enjoy.

Just flat out stupidity showing an abundance of spades by me on this particular day; With the repurcusions lasting longer than any previous act or mistake.

Very true that on this given day what transpired will affect, good or bad, the rest of my life; As a direct result from that day my Family was cut apart with my actions being the sharp knife.

So this is what went down while she was gone for the meeting they decided to put school on a lockdown; For a drill but when she let me know I made dumb choice to try use bathroom outside on the ground.

Not allowed to go in school so walk across the playground near an outdoor shed; Before done the school cop ran up on me and in blink of an eye had gun to my head.

Pointed at my head as well as my chest, would prefer to being killed and then the whole police force pulls in; All since dispatcher fudged up and said I had a gun plus had threatened.

So I could have been dropped dead as a doornail instantly over a miscommunication; Luckily they trigger fingers was not itchyi or else would been left as an outline illustration.

End up going to jail and leaving my lady stuck with no ride home while was being booked in county jail; Only Ospent 2 days locked up but ended up being an extremely costly 48 hours until was released on bail.

Once free and making plans to leave and move away but not just down the road; To the point of having a U-Haul rented and packed just waiting to be told.

That it was good to hit the highway and down the interstate we would drive feeling free; To a state I'd never been to so could have great start in hot ass Mississippi.

However the best laid plans don't always come to fruition, just way universal rolls on it sometimes; On day that we had planned our departure the alphabet (dcs) people showed up and took the boys to fake foster lies.

So the enduring lasting impact from that day is still not fully known just yet or for a solution; Boys are gone and we fighting for their return but now said if they return means I'm not in the equation.

Think said it's called a no contact order or basically a restraining order against me; Meaning good chance get locked up once more or boys taking away for rest of history.

Wiggle room be damned how could or would I begin to live with myself if they taking away for good? Answer is I can't and won't just put myself out to pasture like a real man should.


About the Creator

Arthur Walton

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