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The Dance of Economy: A Poetic Ode to Thrift and Resourcefulness

A balance scale

By Jacob GloryPublished about a year ago 2 min read

Verse 1:

In this world of constant flux and change,

Where needs and wants oft rearrange,

One word stands tall, both simple and grand,

Economy, the steward's command.

Verse 2:

A dance of thrift, a song of sense,

A practice of prudence, not pretense,

A mindful art, a skill to hone,

To make the most of all that's known.

Verse 3:

From humble homes to towering towers,

Economy's wisdom empowers,

The wise, the frugal, the prudent few,

Who make their resources stretch anew.

Verse 4:

In times of plenty or of dearth,

Economy's virtue proves its worth,

As waste is shunned and excess curtailed,

And value is found where least prevailed.

Verse 5:

In markets vast, where trade abounds,

Economy's wisdom truly astounds,

As resources flow, and wealth is made,

By those who master the art of trade.

Verse 6:

But economy is not just about money,

It's about choices, both big and funny,

It's about time, and effort too,

And making choices that are wise and true.

Verse 7:

From household budgets to global affairs,

Economy's lessons are everywhere,

In nature's cycles, in life's ebb and flow,

Economy's principles always show.

Verse 8:

It's about using, not abusing,

It's about conserving, not confusing,

It's about finding value in the small,

And not letting resources freefall.

Verse 9:

With frugality as its faithful guide,

Economy's wisdom can never hide,

It shows the path to sustainability,

And a future filled with prosperity.

Verse 10:

So let us heed economy's call,

To be mindful stewards, one and all,

To cherish and conserve what we possess,

And leave a legacy of wise progress.

Verse 11:

For in economy's embrace we find,

A way to thrive, and not be blind,

To the beauty of resources preserved,

And the wisdom of being duly deserved.

Verse 12:

So let us dance to the tune of thrift,

And sing the praises of resourceful gifts,

For economy's virtues, so profound,

Ensure a sustainable world to be found.

With each step taken, with each choice made,

Economy's wisdom shall never fade,

For it's a timeless treasure, tried and true,

A guiding light for me and you.

inspirationalperformance poetryfact or fiction

About the Creator

Jacob Glory

I fell in love with words as a child. After overcoming self-doubt, I found my voice and began publishing my work online. Through my writing, I explore human emotion and weave stories that are raw and honest.

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