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The Anticipation is Savory

It Melts in Your Mouth

By Benny ShlesingerPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
The Anticipation is Savory
Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash

The anticipation is savory

It melts in your mouth

You hold the flavor and savor it

Wish it never runs out

But it does

The party's a rush like a buzz

It tastes boozy and fruity like malibu rum

It intoxicates

You intake the toxins to placate your thirst for fun


But now how happy are you when it's done?

Can you taste the parade's bitter end on your tongue?

Do you eagerly await the chance to celebrate another day for its own sake so you might have some more cake and closet fears that scrape at the barricaded door of your brain?

You know what they say

It pours when it rains

So don't forget your umbrella

Lest you shower in pain

A bit dramatic - yes a tad bit

I've made that a habit - but these days who hasn't?

Afterparties don't shine with the same light

The stands are empty but you're still bruised from the fight

You can glow up for a little bit - out of spite

But just deserts don't hurt your foes - they kill your appetite

It's alright

When the sun dips its toes in the horizon

Then the moon starts to glow and the night begins

Dawn and dusk trade their places in an infinite dance

The earth swings around the sun in eternal romance

And though another year must come and go before the next chance

I can wait

Make each day

A parade


That I'm here on this rock I do appreciate

Because the highs have the lows

The world is fast and I'm slow

But I'm learning to run, to keep up, go for gold

So the day that I lay in my grave I will know

It wasn't all perfect

But I put on a show


About the Creator

Benny Shlesinger

Amateur philosopher, avid keyboard pitter-patterer

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