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The Angel On Your Shoulder

A Boulder…

By Natasha HarrisonPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
A Whisper of Temptation….

There is perched upon your shoulder,

The weight of a boulder,

Whispering for you to be bolder,

Before you grow older.

You shall not smolder.

It is a Wisper of a whisper,

Diminish of you being the resistor.

A lingering echo in your ear,

It always feels near,

Wanting you to eer,

To succumb to fear.

It exerts influence,

Promise of affluence,

To catch you off your defense; when you're on the fence.

The lie of no consequence.

It hides behind the disguise,

That you have choice, and a voice.

Do be wise; for he shall catch you on surprise.

It’s suggests,

Does impress.

It is a thought,

That if not caught,

Shall render you vort & bought.

It begins as an idea.

When you are within depression.

It leaves quite the impression.

It becomes an oppression,

An obsession,

It leads to possession.

It does not need your confession.

The being hides behind his mask,

Basks in the stark dark,

He has no warmth, no spark.

He is a vicious shark,

His bite is worse than his bark,

He has not placed his mark.

His mask is akin to a cask of wine,

He does not ask,

But shall bide his time.

It is your task,

To unmask,

To never drink from his flask.

It is being buried in the casket,

Your head in a basket.

This being is sick,

Employing his tricks,

A twisted smile of bile,

It beguiles.

His games are ploys and tricks,

He shall be snuffed out quick,

The candle’s wick.


He comes with an offer,

That is tempting,

Of which we cannot refuse,

Do not be tricked,

Do not peruse,

This is to confuse.

He reaches out,

His cold dead hand,

Empty promises of expanse, enhance, to advance,

A hollow second chance.

I hope you understand.

I hope you take a stand.

This is all a maze,

Do not be dazed,

Nor fazed.

You shall be amazed.

He has his flying monkeys, his vultures,

Circling his prey,

Do not be afraid,

Do not stray, nor run away,

Do not play.

Do not sway, but stay firm in your convictions,

Do not sign up for his conscription,

Do not be fooled by the allure of the prescription,

See beyond, use discernment of decryption,

It is all fiction.

What you hear,

Are the ravings, the cravings,

Of those who are dazed & crazed.

Their eyes blind and glazed.

Do not be hazed.

Recognize, with your real eyes,

That all is depraved,

He shall not have what he has always craved,

You are no longer grave,

One foot in the grave.

You are saved.

His minions, seeking dominion,

Shall push you to circling the drain,

To inflict pain,

To render and surrender you insane.

Despite their sharp cruel beaks,

You shall reach your peak,

Attain what you seek.

You are not week nor meek.

Whom is this empty entity,

Being? Person?

Playing in the masque behind his mask?

He does not expect you to ask,

Because that would ruin his game,

He will not thank,

He is black, lack, and blank.

The greatest trick, deception, guise, and ploy that this one has ever employed,

& Here is the lie, the twist:

It is that he has convinced us that he does not exist.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Natasha Harrison

Healing via human connection from Trauma & Abuse.

Mental Health & Illness. Neurodiversity.

Lived Experience.



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