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Tears of Joy and Sorrow

We feel joy when we react positively to this base emotion, and sadness when we react negatively.

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Tears of Joy and Sorrow
Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

Tears of joy and sorrow,

both flow from the same well,

born from the deepest parts of us,

where the heart and soul do dwell.

They fall like rain upon the earth,

and nourish every seed,

a symbol of the beauty and pain,

of every life we lead.

For joy and sorrow walk hand in hand,

each one a precious gift,

the highs and lows of living,

a balance we must shift.

Tears of joy are like sunshine,

that light up every day,

they fill us with hope and wonder,

and chase the clouds away.

Tears of sorrow are like thunder,

that shake us to our core,

they teach us to be resilient,

and to find strength once more.

So let us not be afraid to cry,

for tears are not a sign of weakness,

but a testament to the depth of love,

that our hearts can truly reach.

For in tears of joy and sorrow,

we find a common ground,

a reminder of our humanity,

and the beauty that can be found.

heartbreaksad poetryperformance poetry

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