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Sunsets and dreams

Hope, Inspiration, Reflection.

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Sunsets and dreams
Photo by Les Argonautes on Unsplash

Sunsets and dreams, a sight to behold,

A time of reflection, a story untold,

The hope they bring, the inspiration they inspire,

A chance to pause, to breathe, to conspire.

In the colors of the sky, we see our dreams,

A vision of what could be, or so it seems,

A reminder that anything is possible,

And that hope is always within reach, so attainable.

With every sunset, we are given a chance,

To look back on our day, to reflect, to dance,

To celebrate our successes, and learn from our mistakes,

To grow from our experiences, and to give life a taste.

For it's in the quiet moments of reflection,

That we find the inspiration to make a connection,

To our deepest desires, our greatest dreams,

And to turn them into realities, or so it seems.

So let us cherish the sunsets and our dreams,

And hold onto the hope and inspiration they beam,

For with reflection and perseverance, we can achieve,

Anything we desire, and with life, we can believe.


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