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A Poetry which will burn the flame of motivation in you

By Bilal HaiderPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Photo by Eugene Triguba on Unsplash

In the midst of darkness and thunderous roar,

A storm gathers, ready to soar.

With winds that howl and rain that pours,

It tests our mettle and shakes our cores.

But fear not, my friend, for in this tempest's wake,

Lies opportunity and a chance to make,

Our wills stronger, our hearts more steadfast,

As we weather this storm and endure to the last.

For just as the storm will eventually pass,

We too shall rise, stronger than ever at last.

Our spirits unbroken, our resolve unyielding,

Our souls fortified by this storm's revealing.

So let the winds rage and the lightning strike,

For we shall not falter or cower in fright.

For we are warriors, fearless and true,

And with every storm, we shall emerge anew.

Let us embrace the storm's power and might,

And find within it a guiding light.

For it is through the darkness that we grow,

And it is through the struggle that we know.

The storm reminds us that we are alive,

And that we have the strength to survive.

It teaches us to face our fears head on,

And to persevere until the battle is won.

So let us not fear the storm's wrath,

But rather, let us take the path

That leads us to greater heights,

And inspires us to fight the good fight.

For in the storm's fury and chaos,

Lies a beauty that few can know.

A beauty that speaks to our souls,

And fills our hearts with hope and growth.

So let us face the storm with courage and grace,

And emerge from it with a stronger embrace

Of life's challenges, and the lessons they bring,

For it is through storms that we learn to spread our wings.

nature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Bilal Haider

A person who loves to share experiences and adventures .

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