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Starlit Night

tranquility of nature

By prabin mahatoPublished about a year ago 1 min read
  Starlit Night
Photo by Michael on Unsplash

Beneath the canvas of the starlit night,

A world of wonder, a celestial delight.

Twinkling gems in the vast expanse,

Illuminating the universe's grand dance.

The moon, a radiant pearl in the sky,

Casting its ethereal glow from up high.

Silver beams, like whispers in the dark,

Guiding our dreams, leaving their mark.

The night sky adorned with celestial art,

Constellations weaving tales in every part.

Orion's belt, a warrior bold and strong,

The Big Dipper's ladle, pouring secrets along.

Stars shimmering with a mystical hue,

Revealing the secrets they hold, so true.

Each one a story, a celestial verse,

Weaving a tapestry, a universe immersed.

Underneath this cosmic spectacle,

Nature's creatures find their nocturnal spectacle.

Crickets serenade, their song in the air,

Night's symphony, a lullaby rare.

The night breeze whispers secrets untold,

Caressing the world, a touch so bold.

Gentle rustling leaves, a soothing sound,

As peace and tranquility embrace the ground.

In the starlit night, dreams take flight,

Imagination soars, boundless and bright.

A reminder of the vastness we share,

In this mystical universe, beyond compare.

So, let us gaze at this celestial sight,

Lost in wonder, embracing the night.

For in the starlit canvas, dreams ignite,

Guiding us through the darkness with celestial light.

nature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

prabin mahato

All stories have to at least try to explain some small portion of the meaning of life. You can do that in 20 minutes, and 15 inches.

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