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by Constance Hart

By Constance HartPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 1 min read
Photo by Nils Nedel on Unsplash

Sometimes a memory arrives like a migrating monarch- beautiful and wispy, full of whimsy and joy.

Other times it’s more like an unsolicited sales call robbing me of whatever pleasant state I may have been in.

Sometimes I stand still staring out aimlessly over a field of dried grasses all too ready to ignite into flames should just the right combination of weather and embers meet for a dance , and I feel just like that field ready for that dance of a possible purge, ready for rebirthing.

Other times I drive through miles of lush green hills feeling a note of possibility, a chord of a pleasantry, the harmony of an expanding new beginning.

Sometimes I am dancing with what feels like too many memories and emotions. Usually a slow waltz but often a tango that entangles my feelings like a ball of rubber bands wound tight with a confusing pattern of over and under, under and over ...mostly under...way deep down.

Other times a memory comes in and it’s a savior; a welcome guest that reminds me of all the beauty and love and magic we had; a patron of my heart that resets and recalibrates my mind for the day.

Sometimes I forget I have a mind in present time: it is stuck in the past or swirling in the future- simply longing to be in the other time, the other place. One that could be better…. perhaps.

Other times I just want to be in another time completely.


surreal poetry

About the Creator

Constance Hart

My muses are colors, emotions, and expanded consciousness. I'm known as a Color Therapy Expert, Spiritual Guide, and Writer. I'm living/writing through the loss of my husband in physical form, while I experience him in non physical realms.

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