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Single Parent

Tired but loving mother and her child

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 2 min read
Single Parent
Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

Tired, Mom glides forward and back in her old worn rocking chair

Tattered cushions showing tears, stains, and repairs 'neath a layer of cat hair

Plates and dishes by the sink await the application of water and soap

As the exhausted mother’s heart awaits an application of hope

A purr and a nudge causes her to stroke Mr. Kerfuffle

Reminding her of his hunger in a rumble quietly muffled

Seven a.m. will come early, long night alone in a bed meant for two

Tomorrow she must again face the rat-race in a Metropolitan zoo

Ache in the small of her back reminds her of the work still to be done

Nobody promised the life of a single divorced mother was going to be fun

Sighing, she rises, thin cushion reluctantly releasing her form

Feed the cat, wash the plates, watch a little t.v. in her newly silent home

Creak on a worn floorboard alerts her of the presence of another

In the hallway a sleepy angelic face gazes longingly at her mother

Bending on swollen knees, Mom beckons and smiles

Unable to resist her winsome child’s unconsciously trusting wiles

As a cherubic little angel runs over on pattering tiny feet

Mom feels in her soul a warmth that causes her eyes to heat

How many fingers does my darling baby have tonight

Only eight on each hand? My, that doesn’t sound right

Laugh and joke, nuzzle smooth neck, blow in an ear

Mom breathes in the scent of a true love so dear

Dishes will still be there, a story we’ll read

Dashing heroes, maidens, kings, maybe a prince or three

Daring deeds to save the princess who may just be me

Hopping bunnies, singing birds, skittering mice … Cherubic laughter

Mommy, is Daddy the prince? What happened to Ever After?

Daddy loves you dear, it’s all going to be fine

He’ll never stop loving you, the Lord sent me a sign

On bended knees we pray to the Lord far above

To bless and keep safe all those that we love

Settling contentedly she drifts to sleep in Mom’s loving arms

In a cold scary world, secure in faith she’s safe from all harms

Dreams of puppies and kittens through her sleep they do whirl

Ballet dances and grand ballrooms where princes and princesses twirl

Softly Mom strokes back an errant lock of dark brown curls

Wishing sometimes her man hadn’t left them alone in this world

No, not alone, for they had love, life and each other

Never will she let despair her hopes for her child smother

Back to the kitchen where the rest of her work still waits

Knowing that for now this is allotted her by the Fates

Back unbowed, she picks up a plate and dishrag

Knowing she can’t falter, nor can she lag

Two lives depend on her unbounded strength

To protect her child she’ll go to any length

So, in the morning she’ll get up early and make pb&j

Then drop her little angel at the daycare to play

Off to work again, eight hours to spend

Then home to her world, child and house to tend


Stay tuned for further installments. If you enjoy my writing, check out my author page at Amazon.com:


Thanks for reading. :-)

heartbreaksocial commentaryinspirational

About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.


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