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Shadows and Light

Exploring the Contrast of Shadows and Light

By JoshuaPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Shadows and Light
Photo by Steinar Engeland on Unsplash

Shadows and light, a dance they do

In nature's theater, ever anew

Darkness creeps, and light recedes

A play of contrasts, that nature leads

The night sky with stars alight

A spectacle that fills with delight

As shadows fall, and light breaks through

A cosmic dance, that's ever so true

In the forest, the trees stand tall

Their shadows long, in the light's sprawl

A place of peace, and of mystery

Where shadows dance, in perfect harmony

In the city, the neon lights

A scene that dazzles, and delights

But the shadows there, they loom so wide

A reflection of the darkness, that we cannot hide

Shadows and light, in our everyday

A reminder of life, in every way

For when shadows fall, and light grows dim

We must remember, that light will win

So let us dance, in the shadows and light

For it is in contrast, that we find our might

Let us revel in the beauty, that surrounds us all

For in shadows and light, we shall never fall

surreal poetryperformance poetry

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