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Embrace It

By Chantal MichalskiPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

sadness is a heavy weight,

dragging us down with every step we take

it's a storm that rages inside,

making it hard to see the light.

but sadness can also be a teacher,

showing us what we need to nurture.

it can guide us to a better place,

if were willing to look it in the face.

so let the tears fall if they must,

and trust that hope will rise from the dust.

for sadness, though it may seem bleak,

can be the catalyst that we seek.

sadness is a reminder that were alive.

that we can feel and hope to thrive.

its a chance to learn and gro,

to find the strength to let it go.

and though it may seem like a burden

sadness can also be a garden.

a place where we can plant new seeds,

and watch them bloom into what we need.

so don't be afraid to feel the pain,

fir its the only way to break the chain.

and know that even in the darkest of nights,

the dawn is always within sight.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Chantal Michalski

I have loved writing for as long as I can remember. It is a way to escape. To write your story or create your own.

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