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Ready...Smile pls...

1,2,3... Click

By NovaPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Taken from Google

Hey all! Everyone knew very well this Dialogue of all Photographers

Yes. That is "Ready ...Smile pls...Ready 1,2,3..."

Here I am going to share My sweet memories of my childhood photoshoot days. I hope You can get back your sweet memories related to old photoshoots days in your childhood days while reading my article.

The Moment...

The Photo-Taking Moment...

This dialogue (Ready...Smile Pls...1,2,3) made a smile on everyone's faces. It was an amazing feeling. we stood in front of the camera like a statues before hearing this dialogue.

After Hearing This Dialogue everyone tried to smile. It was so a funny moment. Still, I can't forget those days. In the 90s time period, we got less chance to take photos in front of the camera. So we got so excited while hearing the information that we were going to take photos.

But in the old days, we took photos only at festival times or any other special occasion days. So when we see our old Black and White photos it gives a pleasant feel to our eyes. Not only Black and White Photos 90's period color photos also.

That Photos give a pleasant feel when we are holding and touching that photos. It is taking us to those days when we took that photos. All sweet memories are running in front of our views, Sad memories also.

taken from Google

One of my Sweet Memory with Grandma

One day My grandma showed me her family photo. In that photo my grandma was with her brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, and their children. I saw my grandma's face when grandma was talking about the day when the photo was taken.

Wow, grandma went to that day for a few seconds. Yes. I saw sparkles and happiness in her eyes. And I also traveled with my grandma for a few seconds and felt that day through my grandma's words and her feelings.

A single photo gave both a lot of sweet memories.

School Memories

Still, I can remember the day. We received information regarding the photo shoots and instructions a day in advance So we were so excited to visit the school on that one day only, the other days were as usual boring days with exams homework, etc. On that day even If we had sick, we never minded about that and never missed that photo shooting day also. we just went to school for taking photos and enjoyed that moment.

We were standing on the bench as instructed by the teacher. But after a few sec, we rearranged the line and went to stand nearby our friends. It was so funny moment. We never forget that day.

Even though it was simply a basic photo session, it retains a particular place in our hearts and will always be remembered as a fun-filled and cheerful day in our school days.

fact or fiction

About the Creator


As an article writer and poet, I am excited to share my knowledge and creativity with the world. I bring accuracy and attention to detail to my writing, thoroughly researching topics for my articles and pouring my emotions into my poems.

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