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Prismatic Humanity

The colours of me

By Lauren MaltonPublished 3 years ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read

I am a prism. A tailored arrangement of colours manifests from within me, each a piece of the unique narrative of my life.

The colours reflect in varying order, their lines of wavering proportions. Hues contrast in opposing themes, like neon against a sleek black backdrop.

Butter yellow pops next to a royal blue, seemingly mimicking an ocean horizon. Bright green and a purple so velvety and smooth streak in parallel lines, both beautiful alone and even more so in their contrast.

A diverse spectrum of lines, some compact, like whispers offering a fragment of my past. Others are substantial and distinct, exposing my vulnerability, the core of my being.

I am crimson red, like my knees were often as a child. Blood steadily dripping to my shinpads. Silently crying while continuing to run, my steadfastness refusing to allow me off the field. A foreshadow of the strength I needed to cultivate at a young age. The vigour for which I utilized in the face of so many growing pains.

I am royal blue. I stand bold, not allowing the sticks and stones and words to consume me as I toughen up. A young girl fighting to be heard amongst the deep voices of men.

I, too, am fuchsia. I grow next to wildflowers. I walk in the fields of Vietnam, a time when I was young and carefree. A Canadian broad abroad, looking for my purpose. My colours soften and dazzle along with the seasons. I grow profound, but just as in winter, I withdraw.

Can you see the thin intermingling of eggplant and mauve? Providing a border, as if without these purples, all other colours would fall away. I can still see the purple patches exposed in unsuspecting areas across my father’s body. The aftermath of so many doctor prods and needle pokes.

Don’t let the flamingo pink mystify you. It reveals a darker time when Viibryd was responsible for getting me out of bed in the morning. When my thoughts often clouded over, not allowing me to see the bigger picture.

I am also a swell of green tints and tones. Varying shades of lime and jade, avocado and emerald, swirl in my magnanimous forest. Seafoam green smoothies, cruciferous vegetables and dark spinach, a gritty and wilted juniper remind me of so many failed attempts to mould my body to societal expectations.

Sangria orange, so warm and inviting. Gifting a glimpse into my first and last date. How did he know it was my favourite colour? The same orange that later acted as a backdrop that day on the beach where I agreed to change my last name.

But what shines brightest in my prism, my rainbow of purpose, glistens the bold aquamarine. Shinier and more compelling the longer you look, this looping course reveals my birthstone. Signifying a timeline of what has passed and what will become of my future. The enthralling and persuasive blend of blues and greens reminds me that it’s all going to be okay. My present worries are just temporary, and there is far more looming beyond what I know and see.

Each colour chosen precisely to remind me of what I have overcome. What I leave in the past, conquered as if I were wielding a sword in battle. This is what awaits in my future, filling out my timeline and writing my chronicle.

I am a prism. From within me reflects a customized mosaic of my experiences, thoughts and feelings.

And just like me, you have a prism too. What do your colours reveal?

performance poetry

About the Creator

Lauren Malton

🇨🇦 - Aspiring author looking to get my creative juices flowing

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