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Parrot's Nest

leafy embrace

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 27 days ago 1 min read
Parrot's Nest
Photo by he zhu on Unsplash

High in the kapok's leafy embrace,

A woven wonder, a feathered space.

The parrot's nest, a vibrant display,

Of twigs and leaves, where sunbeams play.

Emerald feathers, a flash of red,

Peek from the entrance, where secrets are bred.

Momma macaw, with a watchful eye,

Guarding her treasures beneath the sky.

Blossoms like jewels, in a verdant crown,

Adorn the nest, where dreams abound.

Twigs interlaced, a sturdy hold,

A haven of warmth, when nights grow cold.

Tiny chicks huddle, their beaks agape,

Hungry for morsels, nature's escape.

Father swoops in, a vibrant blur,

Bringing bright berries, a sweet, juicy slur.

Sunshine filters through the canopy's fold,

Dappling the nest, a story untold.

Laughter and chirps, a symphony sweet,

As fledglings grow strong, their tiny wings meet.

The breeze whispers secrets through leaves so green,

Of adventures that wait, a world yet unseen.

The forest whispers, a lullaby's call,

As shadows lengthen, and darkness starts to fall.

But fear not, little ones, tucked safe and sound,

With love as your blanket, on jungle ground.

For the parrot's nest, a fortress so grand,

Holds the promise of flight, a future unplanned.

One by one, they'll test their wings,

Learning to soar, on the wind that sings.

But the nest will remain, a memory bright,

Of family and love, under sun's golden light.

Years may pass, and seasons may change,

Yet the echo of laughter, forever will range.

For the parrot's nest, a symbol so true,

Of family's bond, ever strong and new.

So next time you see, a nest in the trees,

Remember the love, on the rainforest breeze.

A sanctuary built, with feathers and care,

Where futures take flight, on wings filled with air.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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